Soft Business and Deep Rest with Emmie Rae
EP 37

Soft Business and Deep Rest with Emmie Rae

Show Notes: 

Moving through the world without force, effort, and struggle goes against what modern society teaches most of us to believe. Emmie Rae of The Daily Rest Studio (TDR Studio) specializes in helping people embrace doing less to bring more ease into their lives and businesses. Today, Emmie shares her philosophy of rest, which includes yoga, writing, nature, human design, and one that I personally struggle with, doing nothing.

If you’re working to integrate more rest into your daily life, Emmie suggests using your wellness tools most days to remove the rigid pressure of being perfect. Challenge yourself not to take in any stimulus for at least 5 minutes. The challenge of these “do nothing” practices is that we don’t get the dopamine hits that our brains crave. By releasing the grip of control, you truly work smarter and not harder in all areas of life. Emmie shares her process of working according to her energy and exactly where on the human design chart to look for structure versus non-structure insight. 

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we need reminding that we created our businesses to give ourselves more freedom in life. Emmie and I discuss how the planets correspond with the days of the week and why knowing them matters. Being sensitive to these subtle energies and subtle energy in general is a superpower. To be sensitive means you have the power to alchemize your feelings into your work. 

Emmie’s approach to business resonates with me so deeply. She runs a soft business, one without a strategy, customer avatars, or the marketing-speak we’ve been told we need to adopt. The key to making these choices is knowing yourself. Then you know what works best, and you’re able to be open with your team. We wrap up by discussing Emmie’s relationship with Tokyo and what life is like in her adopted city. Emmie is a genuine beacon of light, reminding us to trust our way and to trust that the parts of us deliver messages. This life is all on purpose. 


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Topics Covered:

  • The philosophy of rest
  • Doing less brings more ease
  • Rest as an antidote to the fear of failure
  • Tools for stress management
  • Planetary correspondences
  • Embracing sensitivity 
  • Soft business structures
  • Life in Tokyo

Guest Info: 

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Show Transcript:

[00:00:00] Tonya Papanikolov: Hi, welcome to the Rainbo Podcast. I'm your host, Tonya Papanikolov. Rainbo and I are on a mission to upgrade humanity with fungi and expand the collective conscious. This podcast builds a virtual mycelial network of bold, Open minded thinkers and seekers. I chat with experts, thought leaders, healers, scientists, entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, activists, and dreamers.

[00:00:33] Tonya Papanikolov: These are stories of healing human potential and expansion. Tune in, root in, expand and journey with us.

[00:00:47] Tonya Papanikolov: Hi, Emmie. Thank you so much for being here today. And it's, um, just, we were just saying, I'm, I'm so grateful and excited to connect with you. I'm so excited. Thanks for having me. Yeah. So I would love to hear and just like hear about your philosophy on rest. And there's so much that you share that I resonate with and we'll dig into like some more specifics, but generally like, how did you get to, into doing what you're doing?

[00:01:15] Tonya Papanikolov: I know you are an incredible writer and poet and yeah, I'm just so curious how you ended up doing this? 

[00:01:24] Emmie Rae: Yeah, it was kind of by accident. I ended up doing this. I mean, I always was a writer. And by that, I mean, just a person who always had a notebook, you know, it's always taking things down, but I really got into looking at things through the lens or the philosophy of writing.

[00:01:45] Emmie Rae: Rest totally by accident. I was teaching yoga. Uh, I did a vinyasa yoga teacher training about 10 years ago now. And the moment that I started to teach everyone just basically would shout in my face, like you need to teach yin yoga. You need to teach restorative yoga. And Not only were those disciplines not really popular then, I just thought they were so boring.

[00:02:14] Emmie Rae: I was so uninterested, but like the very determined part of me was like, I want to give this yoga teaching a really good go. And if people just would come to my class, I would be teaching Vinyasa and they'd be like, Can you teach a Yin class at my studio? Can you teach your Astana class? And I was almost offended.

[00:02:36] Tonya Papanikolov: You just came to power flow, right?

[00:02:38] Emmie Rae: So yeah, it was, I guess through that, I thought, well, I better learn these practices because yeah, I almost thought like, this is just a way to make teaching Vinyasa my career, I suppose. And so through. challenging myself to really learn restorative Indian yoga, which I found deeply, deeply challenging.

[00:03:04] Emmie Rae: And I was really resistant to it. A lot started to change. That's where it all started. Yeah. 

[00:03:10] Tonya Papanikolov: Whoa. And did you feel like at that point in your life, you were swimming upstream? Because I do want to talk about that. You mentioned something on your website about basically not moving through the world with force, effort, and struggle.

[00:03:25] Tonya Papanikolov: And I would love to marinate on this because there's just so much, like so much that I really relate to in my personal journey and something that's like, and you work with entrepreneurs as well. And creatives of all kinds. It's a really. interesting discussion to have when we start to think about like, how do you rest when like, yeah, you're running something and, and doing something that requires a lot of effort.

[00:03:50] Tonya Papanikolov: Let's go into that. 

[00:03:52] Emmie Rae: Totally. Oh my goodness. I felt for My whole entire life that effort and hard work were really it the pinnacle You know, like if you want to have a good life, just enjoy your life then that will only come through an extreme amount of effort and so I felt for My whole entire life, but particularly interestingly around the point that people started telling me I needed to teach rest restorative yin yoga.

[00:04:23] Emmie Rae: I felt that I had done all the right things, you know, I'd so consciously done all the right things. And this is in relationship to my career relationships, health. I would have been feeling that I was just doing everything right and trying so hard and that. nothing was working. Everything just felt like I was trying to open a door that was locked.

[00:04:46] Emmie Rae: You know, you just like try and go through the door and then you hit your head because there's just no way you can get through. And that really, that really frustrated me and it made me feel like I was crazy. You know, I remember sitting in a job that I had shortly before I started teaching yoga, which was a job in the wellness industry.

[00:05:05] Emmie Rae: And, you know, it was like a very cool job. And I was really paying attention to what I was saying. Eating and how it was moving my body. And I was just putting my all into it. And I just felt like I couldn't even take a step forward. Wait, what are you in human design? Everyone thinks I'm a projector, but I'm actually, I'm actually a generator.

[00:05:29] Emmie Rae: I'm a generator with a lot of openness in my chart. And. I mean, I can really no doubt about that too, but it was such a identity crisis almost for me to start to even entertain the idea doing less could bring me more ease, more flow, more of what I perceived to be a success. And also coincidentally in some ways what the external world perceived to be success as well.

[00:05:58] Emmie Rae: Yeah. 

[00:05:59] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. I really like that you used the word perceive because I think that's such a powerful word in so many ways. I'm doing my master's right now, and I've been studying a specific theory of stress, which you're probably familiar with called guts, the generalized unsafety theory of stress. And that one's really all about perceived unsafety and perceived safety.

[00:06:26] Tonya Papanikolov: And the way that that like, changes the entire neurobiology and physiology of the brain and then how that cascades into the body. But it's such an interesting understanding to move to that kind of theory of stress because it's more so just about understanding. And I feel like for me, this is how I come to rest to some degree, but it's like this understanding that we live in an inherent state of perceived unsafety.

[00:06:54] Tonya Papanikolov: And that's that, like, swimming upstream and like the force and if you really quiet down and listen to other like most of the world speaking it's just a lot of like oh and this was my struggle and oh like you know there's there's a lot we just have to be so conscious and aware of the words we choose to use our ability to like sit in a moment and just allow ourselves to be like, I'm in this room.

[00:07:21] Tonya Papanikolov: I'm safe. I'm here. Like, you know, whatever the practice is for a person, but it's really important. And I'm, you know, studying this and like, I've never even heard about this theory being very popularized. It's kind of new to some extent, but of course there's polybagel theory and all these things that are coming up to the forefront, but it's an exciting time for us.

[00:07:45] Emmie Rae: It really is. It's so wild to see The openness to it and the acceptance of it just radically shift in the last 10 years. It's really exciting. Yeah. 

[00:07:56] Tonya Papanikolov: Was there for you, was there a big kind of identity of moving into that stage of your life? Kind of moving from that job into, yeah, just changing your direction.

[00:08:07] Tonya Papanikolov: I wonder too, if you have a lot of clients that are in that space of like pivoting, and there's definitely a lot of questions I get about that. And I think it's, uh, Something that we all go through at different points in our lives. 

[00:08:19] Emmie Rae: Yeah, definitely. Like, again, just everything up until that point was really about my hard work will overcome everything and anything.

[00:08:27] Emmie Rae: And that's what will, again, that's how people will almost see me and accept me and praise me, you know? And so to, A walk away from kind of like a normal career path or a normal way of moving through the world is one thing. And I think the other thing is, I think when you make that transition, you make that shift.

[00:08:52] Emmie Rae: And I'm sure you have this too. Like we make the really big one. And then particularly when we're having a business or working in this way, we continue to just have them over and over and over again, you know, different moments of like, Oh, I'm back.

[00:09:10] Emmie Rae: But every time you're like, okay, it's scary. Or again, it's perceived that I love that way of looking at it. It's like, it's scary. But actually, if I take a look around my space where I am, and I really am honest with myself, it's like. okay, even though I'm making this change or I'm letting something go, I'm doing something new.

[00:09:29] Emmie Rae: I can acknowledge that it's both very terrifying, but I'm also okay. Like I am also really okay. And so I think that for me is where having some kind of physical practice is so beautiful because when we start to be able to kind of just do nothing for a moment in whatever way that every way calls to you.

[00:09:54] Emmie Rae: And I don't call Sue's probably the wrong phrase because doing that painful stuff for most people is like really, really, yeah. Uncomfortable. But yeah, we start to realize that, okay, if I stop and I pause and I don't know the answers, I'm still. I'm still safe. And I think having that embodied experience of like, I can have this really busy life with many moving parts and I can still take a small amount of time to do absolutely nothing.

[00:10:21] Emmie Rae: I really think that that helps us in those moments of big pivot and big change where I think the number one thing is people are like, I don't know if this is going to work or, you know, people think I'm crazy because people are asking me, why are you doing this? What's it going to look like? And I don't have the answers.

[00:10:39] Emmie Rae: And it's like, it's so crazy that we think we have the answers all the other times, 

[00:10:44] Tonya Papanikolov: you know, that's the crazy part. Yeah. Yeah. It's so true. That leads us into a good place to where I wanted to chat with you about fear of failure and how that. Shows up how that's shown up any experience with like you've had with clients specifically because it's such a big one and It's a huge motivating force.

[00:11:10] Tonya Papanikolov: And I think when you're stepping outside and creating something there's There's a moment of that, but it's kind of like this fear of failure that can push us. But then also the experience of imposter syndrome, that's going to come up naturally when you're starting something new. So maybe like, if you could speak to just, you know, riffing on those concepts and What happens when we rest and let things be and let that just kind of like sit with those emotions?

[00:11:39] Emmie Rae: Yeah. 

[00:11:39] Tonya Papanikolov: How you move through them? 

[00:11:41] Emmie Rae: Yeah. I find it so interesting because I personally, and I think a lot of people I work with, Have a lot of fear and that's not necessarily in a bad way. It's just like, maybe you're very sensitive or maybe you've never seen anyone in your family or community do something entrepreneurial or, or kind of step out of a particular mold.

[00:12:04] Emmie Rae: Something I find really, really interesting is. Particularly with the quieter practices, with the rest practices, often when you are experiencing that, like, yeah, fear of failure, am I an imposter? Are people going to judge me? I think that's such a big one. Like so many people I work with are like, I can't.

[00:12:24] Emmie Rae: Yeah, I don't even feel that they can really show up on social media because of what their parents or friends or whatever might think of them. And I think that's like that. It really, it really breaks my heart because, you know, again, this kind of assumption of what someone might think of what we're doing can hold us back from sharing something that could really change our whole lives or help so many people.

[00:12:47] Emmie Rae: Right. 

[00:12:47] Tonya Papanikolov: Totally. And it's so true that it's usually peer related. It's like, usually the closest people to you, not the people that need your services, you know, that are going to look to you and be like, Oh, like, well, that person's gone through what I've gone through or whatever the case is. It is. I, I a hundred percent agree with that.

[00:13:04] Tonya Papanikolov: It's always just like, well, what are my colleagues going to think? What are my friends going to think? So it's a big one to kind of get over. And then you get over it and you're like, Oh, gosh. Like, first of all, they're probably not even seeing my content. They don't care. 

[00:13:22] Emmie Rae: Yeah, exactly. And I'm always like, in those moments too, I have to say, you can tell someone about this or with all the love in your heart, just block for whatever it is until you, that's another thing too.

[00:13:34] Emmie Rae: Like, what do you need in order to feel safe for now? To just again, teach yourself I am okay. It is okay. And the other thing too, with the fear, I think that particularly in business, so often we can move forward out of a place of fear. We can move something forward in our business that actually isn't a fear.

[00:14:00] Emmie Rae: Aligned, but we're doing it because we have this fear of, I need to make more money or I need to, I cannot pause here because otherwise I'll be left behind. And so I find that really, really interesting to pay attention to. And human design has been such a, um, beautiful support and gift in. Thinking about this, because in human design, the idea is that in many ways, like our mind doesn't really know what the best decision is for us, right?

[00:14:30] Emmie Rae: Our mind has many gifts and skills, but knowing if something is correct or incorrect for us at this particular moment is not the job of the mind, it's the job of the mind. The authority, right? And so I find that really, really interesting to be like, can we sit also in the discomfort of not always pushing forward, you know, of not always moving and taking action from that place of.

[00:14:57] Emmie Rae: I'm afraid of judgment or this not working out so I have to almost like prove to myself or prove to the world or prove to the people who I'm thinking or judging me by making a move that isn't actually aligned in this moment, if that makes sense. 

[00:15:14] Tonya Papanikolov: Totally. 

[00:15:15] Emmie Rae: Yeah, because I feel like in the online business world, in many ways, there is so much conversation or pressure about this kind of constant growth, you know, and like hitting these big numbers and how in your first year you can hit this number and in your second year you can double it.

[00:15:31] Emmie Rae: And it's just like, that's cool and everything. But it's like, is that really the way? For most of us. And yeah, I love to just like really bring the rest practice into that because it can show us sometimes in a very uncomfortable way where we might be moving or building something in a way that's actually totally not aligned to what we.

[00:15:56] Emmie Rae: Truly need in the moment or who we are. Yeah. 

[00:16:00] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. It's such a practice, such a continual practice of checking in. And I think that can be rest too. Like for me, I feel I'm curious to know, like what some of your specific practices are. Like, I do find it quite difficult to, like, truly do nothing. Nothing is, like, it's very hard for me.

[00:16:22] Tonya Papanikolov: I would like to get better at it, but I do find reflection to be a form of just a really powerful tool that I do find restful, truly. I can do it from bed or wherever, but it's an active process because There's different voices that may be a part of your team. There's just so much external. There's also advisors and help and all of these things coming at us.

[00:16:52] Tonya Papanikolov: And I think to slow down and cultivate that inner wisdom, inner voice, inner checking in, and also knowing that today's answer is what it is in a year from now that can change and like. You know, I reserve the right to like, you know, totally change it. Sometimes you like listen back to yourself a year from wherever and you're like, Oh wow, like I actually, my opinion is completely different.

[00:17:17] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. And that's a good thing. Yeah. I love that. I love that practice. What do you, in terms of like practical tools, when somebody is like in the throes of high stress or just like, there's also just life that happens where just as much as you can. There's the waves and the ebbs and flows, right? Of like just the unexpected challenge.

[00:17:40] Tonya Papanikolov: What are some like practicals? What are some of your practical tools? I know you have an amazing offering and subscription program and yeah, mentoring and would love to know some of your like favorite tools. 

[00:17:53] Emmie Rae: Yeah. You know, I've like probably you as well. I've gone through many like seasons of my spiritual practice, you know, ways of being so dogmatic is like following all the rules.

[00:18:05] Emmie Rae: And now one of the biggest Things that really, one of the tools I come back to with myself and with everyone is this idea of like most days, right? The phrase most days. And I also like, so to have, to call on the tools most days. And if you skip a day, if you skip two days, like who cares? Right. I think that's one.

[00:18:26] Emmie Rae: Particularly if we're people who struggle to rest, I think we can also be people who can really, right, want to stick to, I'm going to do this 40 days. I'm going to do it every day for a month. And then we can kind of, you know, create more problems for ourselves rather than just being human. So most days is something I always come back to.

[00:18:48] Emmie Rae: And then. Also to just start really, really small. You know, I love to do, there is a bunch of research into why 20 minutes, 20 minutes of just even sitting a sitting practice of like. Maybe you have a mantra, maybe you don't just like 20 minutes or 20 minutes of something I really love to do is 20 minutes in like a restorative posture.

[00:19:13] Emmie Rae: You know, it can be like legs up the wall can be just something really, really simple. You can do anywhere. That's great. But also 20 minutes is a really, really long time if you struggle with being still. And if you have a million things going on, even to pull that back. To five minutes or three minutes or whatever you can have just like, again, and I also do these tools of like journaling and reflection and somatic movement and all these things.

[00:19:41] Emmie Rae: But the one I try to keep always coming back to is like, can I just not take in any stimulus for like at least five amazing, if I can do 20 minutes, like someone can do 20 minutes, even a couple of times a week, it's really incredible because As much as like, I love all the careers, the like exercise, the movement, but it's still stimulating the body in a really beautiful way.

[00:20:07] Emmie Rae: And we need that. But I think something that most of us are missing, even for me, like I'm listening to a podcast while I'm like doing the dishes or I'm listening to Japanese language stuff while I'm like tidying up the house. And it's just like, we take all of it away for even just a tiny bit. Tiny amount of time.

[00:20:26] Emmie Rae: And the difficult thing is to like, even when you do a little workout or even some stretching or Kriya, you kind of feel this like immediate, like, yeah. Like you feel back in your body, you feel alive. And I love that. I love that feeling. But we take everything out and we're just like nothing. Even if you're just lying on the floor, lying on the couch, like.

[00:20:50] Emmie Rae: You don't get that hit. You don't get that right. You're like, well, that was a waste of time. Right. So it's really, really hard to stick to it because we don't get that good 

[00:21:03] Tonya Papanikolov: dopamine. Yeah. Like we're not getting those little molecules in the brain that we've been so trained to crave are out of the picture.

[00:21:15] Tonya Papanikolov: And there's not as much, I guess, Satisfaction, which is really sad. It reminds me that like, sometimes it's really easy to want to like practice with YouTube on or whatever you're following somebody and, but then you kind of know what to do and you're still on YouTube and like, you know, even though you've been trained and you could do it yourself and it's just a good reminder, I'm hearing that and being like, yeah, like that's a really, really good reminder that like, I know how to do a pigeon pose.

[00:21:46] Tonya Papanikolov: I know. What it feels like to let my hips release and let go. 

[00:21:51] Emmie Rae: Yeah. 

[00:21:52] Tonya Papanikolov: And I feel like there's an intimate connection to right between, well, I curious to know your take on it, but this, like some connection between holding and letting go and coming into a place of rest. There's this like loosening, right? Yeah.

[00:22:11] Tonya Papanikolov: And letting and receiving, but just like, Yeah. Can I melt a little bit into this place of not needing stimulus? I 

[00:22:20] Emmie Rae: love, 

[00:22:21] Tonya Papanikolov: I love that. 

[00:22:22] Emmie Rae: Yeah. Yeah. You're so right. It's like, it's so beautiful to be guided in a practice and it's just like, even once a week or just, you know, to like, Take it away and also see, it's so interesting as well, because sometimes when you take away that guidance, you're like, you know, I don't know what I, my body wants in a way.

[00:22:41] Emmie Rae: And that's really interesting. It's like, you do know, particularly if you've got to practice and to really trust yourself and see, like, maybe the body wants to sway in the pigeon pose before you like drop in. Right. Like just to say that's wrong, or just because you haven't got it from your teacher. I think there's.

[00:22:58] Emmie Rae: Have that beautiful balance of having a teacher, having something that's guiding you and also like trusting yourself to experiment and explore. And yeah, with the melting too, what I find so interesting is that's why having a little bit of a longer hold and. Using like a timer on your phone is really helpful because often we'll be like, yeah, it's been, it's been five minutes and it's been like one, but it's like, you get to that point sometimes where like the resistance almost peaks and you're like, I don't like this, or I can't relax, or I can't melt.

[00:23:31] Emmie Rae: And then almost like on the other side of that, there's like physically feel. Like honey sensation, you can physically feel it. And what I also find really interesting is sometimes when you get to that point of relaxation, you're like, It actually can even feel a little bit scary and vulnerable yet almost feels like you're taking up too much space in your own body or something.

[00:23:54] Emmie Rae: It can be like, Oh, I'm so not used to this softness that it feels it can almost take your breath away, which I find so fascinating as well. And that's something we can get comfortable with over time, like learning to be in our own softness. Like, like some of us don't even know what it feels like for the physical body not to be tense and holding on.

[00:24:16] Emmie Rae: And it's like a letting go of control. And it's interesting to see how that plays out in the rest of life to 

[00:24:22] Tonya Papanikolov: business. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I mean, I feel like that's, that's such a core. There's like, we used to do the Sedona method specific kind of like therapy and yeah, everything kind of, we either came down to like three basic underlying motivations, usually the you know, control control is such a big one, one of the big ones, but.

[00:24:45] Tonya Papanikolov: With that control aspect, I think I really love the way there's something you said earlier was just learning how to, I think you said this learning how to kind of work smarter in some capacities instead of harder. And I think. It is hard sometimes to know it until you've been through the experience and have the wisdom of it, but to actually understand what it means to go through that passage of like, I actually can work smarter and not harder and have more impact.

[00:25:20] Tonya Papanikolov: And if I, you know, when I like release my grip of control, I actually am expanding and letting go. Whatever is organically supposed to happen, take form and shape. So maybe you can tell us a little bit about that and experiences with that. 

[00:25:39] Emmie Rae: Yeah. Yeah. I remember when I first. Really started working on my own after, I guess you would say freelancing for a lot of different yoga studios.

[00:25:49] Emmie Rae: And I was in different places when it was got to a point where I was pretty much in charge of my schedule and my work. And it was all on me. I remember, Almost trying to set myself up as if I was working a nine to five job, you know, to be in the computer at the right time. And I would feel an extreme amount of guilt if I were to do something that I told myself was unwork related on like a Tuesday afternoon or whatever it was.

[00:26:18] Emmie Rae: And, um I couldn't really give myself the permission. It was through human design. It was through also learning about the energetics of the days of the week, like the planetary influences, which we briefly spoke about in our emails with each other. When I learned about that too, that made so much sense to me that like, you know, Saturday was a day of like the day of I always felt kind of like I could get a lot of stuff done on Saturdays and like, yeah, move through a lot of tasks.

[00:26:46] Emmie Rae: And I always found Mondays that I never wanted to work and the whole world. Oh my gosh, it makes so much sense. And so it was through those that I just. And a way that I kind of approach everything is like, let it be an experiment. Like we're just, let's just try it and see what happens. And so that was my first step in starting to see that I could work smarter, not harder.

[00:27:15] Emmie Rae: Or another way I saw it described as, I think by Seth Godin, he says like the hard work rather than the long work, you know, like, and I was like, that's exactly it because I can spend eight hours on the computer and get nothing done. I just waste my time because I'm not in the right space through letting myself just really, and I know this sounds like maybe you can roll your eyes, but like, and just like really trust my own energy when I started to be in control of my own schedule and to be like, do I actually feel that I have the energy to like move through financial tasks today?

[00:27:50] Emmie Rae: And of course, sometimes you have to be tough with yourself and be like, come on, let's just get it done. But I think. Overwhelmingly, for a lot of us, the problem is not that we can't get things done, it's that we can't stop, or we're not able to trust ourselves. And so it was through that, actually, like, through playing with the planetary influences of the days of the week, through understanding in my human design too, that I'm not someone who, Can be superstructured that was how I was able to see, Oh, actually, when I do less, I grow more like way more is happening.

[00:28:28] Emmie Rae: And it was, again, it was a very difficult thing for me to make sense of. And it made me. I feel guilt and shame because of that background of just like, I have to do so much. I have to keep working. When I started teaching yoga, I worked seven days a week. Like I never took a day off. So yeah. To just see that actually unfold before my eyes was like.

[00:28:51] Emmie Rae: What's going on here? like 

[00:28:53] Tonya Papanikolov: is this allowed? Yeah, totally. Two thought train. I mean, there's a lot of thought trains. Just really quickly, how do you, what part in your human design chart would tell you about structure versus non-structure? 'cause I'm like, I need to know . Yeah. I already know though. . 

[00:29:09] Emmie Rae: Yeah. I think like number one, I'm like, if you feel it in your body, it's just like, that's it.

[00:29:13] Emmie Rae: Trust it. number one. And number two, it's like the variable. So in human design, that's the arrows. Okay. The little arrow, the four little arrows at the top. And you can in particular check the top two arrows, the very top two. And if they're pointing to the right, uh, particularly the very first one, then that might suggest that I'm looking it up, but there's other things too.

[00:29:42] Emmie Rae: There's mine are all pointing, right? Oh, yeah. Pointing right. So you record right. So yeah, no structure. That's so interesting. You record right. There's, you should look into that. There's so much in there. 

[00:29:54] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Okay. I, I've never even, nobody's told me to look at those arrows. 

[00:29:59] Emmie Rae: Yeah. This is huge. 

[00:30:00] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Hilarious.

[00:30:02] Tonya Papanikolov: Okay. I'll, all going right. So, so funny because. Oh my gosh, for the life of me, like zero, like when I say it is remarkable and it's really nice to hear that because like, sometimes I, I do still catch myself being like, well, you need structure, like, yeah, just like the, the little, the dialogue that's like, well, structure is What you need to succeed and just those, those little things, but we'll chat more about that.

[00:30:36] Tonya Papanikolov: It's really funny though, because when I was in my first corporate job for not very long, but that was like a really fast instantaneous, like this will never ever work for me. And I never went back. And it was like, I always knew from that point on, it was like a year or two. And I was like, okay, like there is one thing is for sure is that I will be doing my own thing.

[00:31:00] Emmie Rae: Literally that job I had was basically three months and that's all it took. I have three arrows, right? So that's, you have even more of this, but it's so interesting how many of us who have this in our charts, just If we succeed in a corporate environment, it's at a very big cost to our health. Very, very high cost.

[00:31:19] Emmie Rae: And really, yeah, we could talk about that forever, but yeah. So interesting. 

[00:31:25] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Will you go through and tell us about the days of the week and the corresponding planets and energy? 

[00:31:30] Emmie Rae: Yeah. Okay. So I hope I can do a good job of this. So in a nutshell, I'll try and make it really quick. Monday is the day of the moon.

[00:31:39] Emmie Rae: I know I'm not an astrologer. This is just something that. I have fun with, I play around with, but yeah, we think of like emotional energy, very feminine. It's, there's a reason why so many of us feel like, oh, Monday, you just want to cocoon, right? Like spend more time in meditation or in rest, things like that.

[00:31:59] Emmie Rae: Tuesday on the other hand is like, Fire. Tuesday is like, do you feel that every Tuesday? 

[00:32:07] Tonya Papanikolov: All my calls after five years of really figuring out what doesn't work. I now I'm like, I know about my days of the week. 

[00:32:13] Emmie Rae: Yes. It's so wild. Like Tuesday is Mars, right? So like fire action every Tuesday. I'm like, I get to the end of the day and I'm like, what just happened?

[00:32:22] Emmie Rae: You know, in a good way, but I put, I always have like a very long day on Tuesday. And again, also my astrologer friends tell me. That you can also look at what you have in Mars, what you have in right, what your moon sign is, and maybe that will also color how you experience the day, which I haven't really played around with because I just feel so much resonance with the planetary days of the week as they are.

[00:32:49] Emmie Rae: Wednesday's Mercury. So it's, Like really communication, writing, maybe you want to have some like grounding practices on that day because it could be like very airy or maybe you're having like catch ups with friends, you know, like just talking conversations. Thursday's Jupiter. So Thursday, I love the, I love a Thursday.

[00:33:10] Emmie Rae: Like it really is like. Exploratory. And like, I find it a beautiful day for like teaching or maybe you want to launch something new or go somewhere new. Like, right. This real discovery and education, things like that. Friday, maybe many of you know, like Venus day. Right. So beauty and sensuality and money.

[00:33:31] Emmie Rae: So for me, I tend to not. To have like, just not anything regularly scheduled on Monday or Friday. Sometimes life is life and like, and sometimes it feels really fun to schedule something on those days, but I try not to have like a regular meeting or anything like that, or my one on one sessions. I usually wouldn't.

[00:33:52] Emmie Rae: Have them on Monday or Friday because yeah, Friday feels good to like, you can also do money related tasks on a Friday and love to do that, like in the morning, do taxes, finances, whatever. And then, yeah, in the afternoon, evening, like, that's why it makes me think of being. Younger, a lot younger and like dressing up on a Friday night with my friends and how fun it felt like just that.

[00:34:14] Emmie Rae: Oh, yeah. Like getting ready with your girlfriends. The best. Yeah. It was such a like meanest day energy to me as well. I've been really, yeah. Saturday is satin. Right. So it might be like. Yeah, it might be like tasks you've been putting off. I find it a really good day for working. For me, I write on Substack and some of the pieces on there are very long.

[00:34:40] Emmie Rae: And I find that Saturday is a really good day for like finishing those longer pieces that I'm like, Oh, I can't, like, if you're a writer, you get to a point where you're like, Oh, it's too hard to edit. It's like those little things that you're putting off might be really good. Or just like even cleaning the house, you know, getting things in order.

[00:34:57] Emmie Rae: And then Sunday is the day of the sun. You know, so like outside and like connection and sharing meals with people, like it just feels to me, it just feels so right. 

[00:35:07] Tonya Papanikolov: It feels so right. I love that so much. And it's so funny because I'm aware of like, I love astrology, but I love to see that my week, I haven't even.

[00:35:20] Tonya Papanikolov: Thought about it super consciously in terms of like, I know, I know my, I love my Fridays and Tuesdays and everything, but like my week is set up like that to a T. It gives me chills. I love it. To achieve Tuesday. So I do have one team call on Mondays, which is, but it's like the only. Usually the only call of the day and then Tuesdays are filled with calls.

[00:35:40] Tonya Papanikolov: Wednesdays I have a couple, but I leave it open for anything that needs to float in. And I now have like sectioned off. I only have like, I'll only take external calls in. I have like three, three or four spots in my week because before it was utter chaos and just like, I couldn't get anything done. Right.

[00:35:58] Tonya Papanikolov: Thursdays I have as like no calls. At all. I usually have it for like podcasting and conversations and like, just like connecting with people I love and doing the work I love to do. And then yeah, Fridays are usually my creative days and couple, like, yeah, we do like a little team meditation show, but it, that's awesome.

[00:36:21] Tonya Papanikolov: I love, I love hearing that. 

[00:36:23] Emmie Rae: It's so cool to hear it and then be like, I had that reaction too of like, like this, I already do this and it's such a privilege to be able to work this way. But I think so many of us who are self employed, we like become our own worst boss. Right. And it's just like, there's so much 

[00:36:39] Tonya Papanikolov: we 

[00:36:39] Emmie Rae: can play with 

[00:36:39] Tonya Papanikolov: here.

[00:36:41] Tonya Papanikolov: I'm so glad you said that because often have to remind ourselves that we literally created our businesses to have more freedom in our lives. And then, and then we get kind of like chained in by the same forces. And this is where it's like, they were bringing in the self awareness to be like, who said I needed to do it like that?

[00:37:04] Tonya Papanikolov: Like, why did I, and I'm also speaking from somebody who's like, Really? I've tried all the things. Yeah. Well, I've, I've tried a lot of things anyways, and I have learned a lot of lessons basically. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:37:17] Emmie Rae: Yeah. 

[00:37:21] Tonya Papanikolov: Okay. Thank you so much for sharing that. That was so fascinating. You mention kind of like sensitive beings and sensitive people, will you tell us a little bit more about what some of those, how does somebody know if they're sensitive?

[00:37:36] Tonya Papanikolov: Like we're all, we all have these gifts of sensitivity. So what is it? Do you feel like there's a lot of sensitive people that are drawn towards you and your work? And maybe you could just tell us a bit about that. 

[00:37:48] Emmie Rae: Yeah. And I think it's so interesting, like even just in our lifetime, I feel that there's been such a transformation of this word.

[00:37:55] Emmie Rae: Whereas when maybe we were younger, it was like such a bad, bad thing. And I guess depending on the context people are still in right now, maybe that's still the case, but it was something that I had so much shame around for so much of my life. Like I've got to be less sensitive. How can I be? And I. Would try everyone's like, you've got to be louder, more assertive.

[00:38:16] Emmie Rae: And it was so interesting to me that I really found my strength and found that I'm a really, really strong person by actually embracing that. I'm just not a lot of those things. I'm not this like loud, assertive, dominating person. And if that's like your personality, that's really, really beautiful. Yeah, it's just been an interest, a really, really interesting process for me coming to terms with what that word means over the years.

[00:38:47] Emmie Rae: And also now we're almost at the point where I'm reading articles about, we've almost come full circle, like sensitive was a bad thing, then there was more acceptance of it. And now we're almost coming back to this part of like, people need to just. Toughen up and get on with life. You know, we're almost doing this full circle and I think the whole conversation is interesting and valid, but I tend to work with a lot of people.

[00:39:12] Emmie Rae: Yeah. Who are self employed or like, again, leaving their career in order to do something different and just feel like the way I, I almost understand it is like the edges of your body are kind of very porous and this can come through in. Maybe the classic way we've heard about sensitivity, which is to be easily hurt or to be like overwhelmed and like loud or busy spaces.

[00:39:43] Emmie Rae: But actually the way I see it show up more often is those of us who are like sensitive or very open can maybe struggle to trust what we really know to be true over the voices and the opinions and the advice that we receive from the outside. I think that's a way that I hear about sensitivity that I think is unique.

[00:40:09] Emmie Rae: Whereas we have people who are, yeah, like creating these beautiful businesses or working in a way. And it's almost like a daily effort to continue to come back and trust themselves rather than to listen to what, you know, their partner has said all the love in their heart. But like, you know, that's something, right.

[00:40:28] Emmie Rae: You feel that sometimes it's easier to find your dream and then to trust your own. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:40:33] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Oh my gosh, that really resonates. I used to also be that person who would get offended by that word, I suppose, but I simultaneously also have, I definitely feel like confidence. I was like quite a expressive, opinionated child, but then I also think about the archetype of the sensitive human as also like being an artist because to be sensitive is to be able to like, you know, alchemize all of your feelings and to hold them and to feel them and to turn them into your work.

[00:41:10] Tonya Papanikolov: If you want, like, you know what I mean? There's like, you might find yourself in a million different scenarios in life being a sensitive person. If you want to relate it to creativity, it's a really beautiful way to kind of transform it because that is going to make you An incredible musician. It's going to make you the ability to really feel so deeply and not be afraid of that.

[00:41:31] Tonya Papanikolov: And to help other people tap into the places where they've become hard and where it's easier for them to just like shield. It can be a really amazing tool for creativity and soaking in life and really feeling it and letting that pour through in a medium. 

[00:41:49] Emmie Rae: It's really a gift. It sounds like a cliche thing to say, but it really, really is.

[00:41:53] Emmie Rae: And I think. That changing that in a voice that says like, Oh, what's wrong with me? Because I, again, like even the example of maybe because of that sensitivity, we might struggle to be in a regular corporate environment or something like that. And instead of it being like, how can I be better? And how can I be stronger?

[00:42:14] Emmie Rae: It's just like, how can I trust that this is taking me elsewhere, directing me elsewhere. And I really think we need more sensitive people. In business and learning how to be in that world, because forever, that was not the case. We wouldn't have survived. I don't think, you know, at some point in this sphere.

[00:42:33] Emmie Rae: So yeah, I think it's really, it's really beautiful. 

[00:42:37] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. I like that. I like that mindset shift a lot and I agree. I think we're coming into a time as well where who knows like sensitivity and intuition and there's like all of these. You know, things people will say about how more sensitive people are coming to the planet.

[00:42:56] Tonya Papanikolov: And maybe that's also some sort of evolutionary constraint that's being forced upon us because we literally have never been faced with so much information. And the ability to. Learn those skills for discernment and like tuning in with oneself and finding the, like the true inner voice is going to be, I could only imagine with AI and technology and robots and all the other stuff.

[00:43:24] Tonya Papanikolov: Like, yeah, that's going to be essential skills to navigate with. 

[00:43:29] Emmie Rae: Yeah. And I actually think, I mean, this is. I don't know. I almost think that in a way, like highly sensitive people who learn to like trust that intuitive sense and to trust like, because the inner knowing and the inner voice is so subtle, right?

[00:43:43] Emmie Rae: So it takes like a sensitivity to be able to hear it and like, trust it and follow it. I almost think that. As the world progresses and moves into this, like moves in this direction that we're moving, I almost feel like we're going to be ahead of the curve a little bit. I have to say, because we've had to learn how to trust that we've had to learn how to like move a lot of the noise through the system, a lot of the external influence through the system.

[00:44:11] Emmie Rae: And I think they're going to be essential skills. Like the further we get down this Yeah. 

[00:44:18] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Me too. Yeah. Me too. A few more questions for you. What is a soft business? 

[00:44:26] Emmie Rae: Yeah. I, it's so funny. People ask me this a lot and I'm like, I don't, I don't know. Like the soft business thing also found me, I was doing human design readings and I just, at some point, years and years ago, like everyone who was coming to me was coming about work and business.

[00:44:44] Emmie Rae: Pretty much every single person, like that was the focus. That was what I wanted to hear about. And yeah, at the time I was finding very few voices in the online business world in particular, that weren't just about like hacks and you know, how to like double your income or whatever. And so, yeah. And so I started to Work with people and offer kind of like containers and courses for people who were more interested, I suppose, in creating a business that allows you to have a lifestyle that you really enjoy rather than to think about constant.

[00:45:24] Emmie Rae: And again, this is very different depending on what kind of business you have, what kind of company you have, but to disconnect a little bit from that mindset of just. Every month has to be higher. Every like year has to be higher. Everything has to continue. Just be stepping up, up, up, up. It's like, let's disconnect from that and move more from a place of like, how can we obviously make enough money to.

[00:45:49] Emmie Rae: To like support ourselves, support the team, continue to have growth. But the growth comes from that place of like being creatively inspired and not being bored and being able to serve people rather than metrics, basically like just pure metrics and to have these conversations around just doing things really differently.

[00:46:10] Emmie Rae: I mean, the realization that I've had so many times in my business, and it's really interesting now to be setting up a second part of the business in a foreign country that is. It's the most rule based structured place I've ever come across in my life. But what I've seen in my business so far is very often going against the rules and doing things that don't make any sense when it's just, I just know that it's right, even though I have nothing to back it up.

[00:46:37] Emmie Rae: Always seems to be the best option every single time. 

[00:46:42] Tonya Papanikolov: Run towards it. You know, it's really exciting. Now when you feel that strong pull and force and like having been through it now a couple of times, it's like, run, run towards it. I know it's so scary. I know you're going to be like, you're going to get there and be like, Oh, but now I have to do the thing.

[00:47:01] Tonya Papanikolov: And what's everybody going to think? But it's like, Those are truly some of the juiciest times in life where there's so much on the other side of that and there's so much energy that we get from those moments. 

[00:47:14] Emmie Rae: So absolutely. And also to like, really honor the moments where I think it's not talked about enough, but honor the moments where we're like, I don't know what comes next.

[00:47:26] Emmie Rae: Or I'm like not inspired right now. And it's just like, Yeah. To like be able to sit in those as much as we can. I also find those that for me is my least favorite place to be like uninspired and it doesn't happen that often, but when it happens, I'm like, I know there's something really like, again, juicy and exciting and expansive on the other side of this.

[00:47:48] Emmie Rae: I just have to learn how to sink back into it. 

[00:47:51] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Something. I was reading a viewer's said how I just loved it so much. Spoke to me so deeply. It was about how you've never had a social strategy. You never had like just these ideas of I think strategies largely is like customer avatars and all of these metric based things that are really common in marketing.

[00:48:17] Tonya Papanikolov: And I would love. For you to just share a little bit more about that, because I think we like that one is a tough one where we just like very much live in a world where it's actually, it's, it's like a, a joke within my team where like they're like, don't ask Tanya about the , some avatar, because I'm just like, no.

[00:48:38] Tonya Papanikolov: Like why do we do that? Like even if the brand. I love aspects of vision and brand and all of these things, and I think they can come naturally and speak to who they're going to speak to and resonate with the people. It was just going to be a very wide net and, you know, a wide audience, but I loved reading that because I was like, finally.

[00:48:59] Tonya Papanikolov: No, I get it when you have a product, there's going to be a need case and certain people that are going to like often, especially if there's, um, yeah, if you're creating a product for a specific function, then that makes sense. Yeah. But it's like, anyways, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this. 

[00:49:16] Emmie Rae: Yeah. I love this so much.

[00:49:17] Emmie Rae: It's so nice to talk to someone who has a business, who feels the same way, like the customer avatar thing. Absolutely. Just. boggles my mind, because again, I agree with you. Like, as you were saying it, I was like, I feel the exact same way as you do, I think, because even when I'm saying, I know there are certain situations in which that's really, really useful.

[00:49:40] Emmie Rae: Still, there's a little part of me that's like, is it, you know, there's still a little part of me that's like, Because often we don't even know what we want as a consumer, as a customer. Right. And I, again, I think things are changing in the way that we consume in the way that we buy, and again, there used to be.

[00:50:03] Emmie Rae: And I mean, it's still very much exists, but there used to be really a trend of like talking to people's pain points to try and create an emotional reaction in someone in order to buy or to sign up. And I really think talking about like the rise of sensitive people or more sensitive people, I think so many of us are really turned off by that now.

[00:50:21] Emmie Rae: Like if we come across that as a consumer. And again, sounds ridiculous, but there's way more of an energetic pool or energy that speaks very, very loudly that people are like, either attracted to or know that that's not for them and they can walk away. Yeah. Through the years of having my business, sometimes I say to myself or someone around me, like, yeah, maybe I could have.

[00:50:46] Emmie Rae: Way more, let's say financial success if I had to follow those methods. But even as I say that, I'm like, I just don't really believe it because I don't know if it would ever have worked for me. This idea of creating the customer avatar and creating a social media strategy. And when I step back, I'm like, do I have everything I need in this moment and more?

[00:51:06] Emmie Rae: Yes, I do. You know, I, I have, so I really do, like, I can't argue with that even for a second, even though our mind sometimes tells us that we should have these like bigger, more extreme goals. And so for me, even now, if someone says like, who is the ideal client of the daily rest? And every time I do like a little branding update or which I, again, like, I love that stuff.

[00:51:30] Emmie Rae: Visuals people ask me this question. I'm like, I just, I can't tell you. The net is so, so wide. There's just no defining factors. And I find it really everything in my body is like, that's not the way for me. Same with a social strategy. I don't know if you've, how much you've like you play around with it, but it's like, and I've experimented with it.

[00:51:52] Emmie Rae: So many times, every time I walk down that path, I find that things become worse in some way, shape or form rather than just allowing myself to trust myself to actually go. Again, with the energy that's present. I know that sounds insane. I've been able to find my operations manager for so long. I thought when I hire people, they're just going to try to force me into this consistency.

[00:52:20] Emmie Rae: And it's been so beautiful to even see that that's not the case and that you can find, but really support, right. And just totally 

[00:52:28] Tonya Papanikolov: letting that go. It's so true. I like that you mentioned that because it's like the more we can really, The more we can know ourselves and not want to change that and just appreciate exactly what the, I don't even know if I want to call them quirks, but like, this is how I work best.

[00:52:48] Tonya Papanikolov: This is like how I'm going to show up as my best. And that means that X, Y, and Z, and to be really open with that, with your team and with who you're looking for, instead of it showing up as, you know, the shadow version of like them kind of being like, Oh, well, expecting something different from you. Yeah.

[00:53:06] Tonya Papanikolov: Because when you're just like, Hey, this is like, this is how I work. I work at night or whatever, like just whatever it is. It just helps people, you know, for the most part, people are going to be like, great, thanks for letting me know. Like I'm going to work around that. That's perfect. I'm so, and you know what?

[00:53:22] Tonya Papanikolov: And then you give them permission to, cause they're like, Oh, well, you know what? I actually. Really like async work as well. I love to work at night after I put my kids to bed or this is when I get my spirit of energy. So I love that. Just like the embracing, you know, instead of like, yeah, well, I probably should probably be more structured or whatever.

[00:53:40] Emmie Rae: Yeah. And then you find your people, you know, that's the thing I. When I stopped trying to fix myself so much that I should be more like this, you find your people who will work with you and for you. And you also find more of your like clients or customers. I really feel that. And yeah, again, I love that example of just like, particularly in the health or wellness space, we could be like, don't work at night.

[00:54:03] Emmie Rae: And it's like, says who? Like, what if that's really where you thrive? Like, 

[00:54:08] Tonya Papanikolov: totally. That's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's really nice to just remind ourselves that we can. Like, yeah, like who said, who said, said, who said, who said what, like, you know, it's all just like an empty chalkboard and we can really, really tune in and feel into what's like, what is the best for us.

[00:54:31] Tonya Papanikolov: And I fall trap to it. I'm like, I don't even, I think my words are escaping me. I fall trap to it. Yeah. Like I get into that trap to where. You see something and then you're like, Oh my gosh, I'm doing it wrong. So like that piece. And I think with like the social strategy, one thing I want to add to that is there's so many ways to do things ultimately 

[00:54:53] Emmie Rae: is 

[00:54:54] Tonya Papanikolov: one of your big takeaways is like, there's like 7 billion ways to do things first of all.

[00:54:59] Tonya Papanikolov: And for me, when I'm thinking about creating, I just have to be in a state of like, I want to create this for myself and for other people, but like, I genuinely feel inspired by this and excited to talk about this right now. And it's real for me. And the intention behind it is authentic. And that's usually a good cue.

[00:55:22] Emmie Rae: Yeah, exactly. And I love that you said that there are just, there are so many ways to do things and, uh, social strategy is not bad. It's just bad when we think that we all have to do it that way. Right. And some people, that's also so fascinating to me. I love to watch people in the online space and some people can have a really Kind of like obviously there's a logical strategy behind it and it works for them and they have growth and it's beautiful.

[00:55:49] Emmie Rae: And then there's some of us who like, if it's not coming through us really naturally, what we're saying, what we're sharing, it's just falls flat and it just feels really like, I really think. It's so different for everyone. Some people love the game of like strategy and building and like, you know, let's like speak to this audience.

[00:56:06] Emmie Rae: And it's so cool to watch people who like really thrive in that space. But I think, yeah, the danger is we think we have to be like that, you know, that's where we get lost. Yeah. 

[00:56:16] Tonya Papanikolov: Another interesting thing as well is that as my business has progressed with Rainbo, I have also come to a place. Of like, you are your own living, breathing thing.

[00:56:29] Tonya Papanikolov: Right? So just because something really works for me doesn't mean that I'm going to make that work for Rainbo. It just means that like, yeah, like a social strategy is great for Rainbo and I haven't done it since I've been running a social, but like when somebody else does it, like, yeah, like I think we should do that.

[00:56:47] Tonya Papanikolov: And I, and I think it should be the right person to execute that. Who'd like, that's, that's what they love to do. Um, But in terms of forcing myself to do it all, or you know what I mean? Like, I think there's, it's, it's nice. It's, I feel good about that aspect too, where it's like, I know, I do have a fine understanding of what I need and how I like to create, but also I can understand that my business might need something different than, than that.

[00:57:13] Emmie Rae: Yeah. I love that. Exactly. And different seasons and different aspects of the business. Like, yeah. 

[00:57:19] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. I would love to just hear a little bit, uh, wrap up with a few questions for you and just hear about Tokyo and what brought you there, how 

[00:57:28] Emmie Rae: the move is. So I've been here, I moved here three months ago officially, but I spent a good chunk of time here last year, about six months in total.

[00:57:38] Emmie Rae: I've been coming to this. country, but the city in particular for about 15 years every year, aside from pandemic years. And I guess it was always like a dream or a vision I had to spend time here, but I just never, it's interesting, right? Like it's always been a place. I feel I have a very, very deep relationship with and connection to.

[00:58:03] Emmie Rae: I also have a, my Venus line is here. Mm. But I never made the move, like I never made the plan to move here. And then last year I was very sure that I had to leave Sydney in Australia, and I just went traveling for basically a year. And I walked into a popup of a skincare company I really love here. And I was talking to the founders who we'd connected on Instagram.

[00:58:30] Emmie Rae: And I just said, without thinking, like I would really love to live here, but I just, as a self employed person, I've looked into it. It just seems that it's impossible. And she was like, no, this is new visa. You should look into it and apply. And from that moment. 

[00:58:48] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. 

[00:58:49] Emmie Rae: Seven months later, I finally got a startup visa as a entrepreneur to be here in Tokyo.

[00:58:56] Emmie Rae: And it's been, yeah, it's been, yeah, it's been just the most beautiful and the most ridiculously challenging, but in a way that I just feel myself like expanding three months. And I feel like now it's like. Now, I'm really starting to get into my groove of being here. So yeah, it's again, it's one of these things where I'm like, let's try and see, but so far it's been such 

[00:59:26] Tonya Papanikolov: a dream.

[00:59:27] Tonya Papanikolov: Wow. That is so expansive to hear and just to anybody who has dreams of like moving to that spot that's always called to them. Yeah. That's 15 years. So wild. Yeah. Friends. I imagine friends that you've connected with over this time. Yeah. 

[00:59:45] Emmie Rae: Yeah. Funnily enough, my very best friend, we met on the street in Sydney about 10, 12 years ago.

[00:59:54] Emmie Rae: And. She is my guardian angel. If I didn't have her here, I would have had some really hard times just with the bureaucracy, the language barriers. So yeah, it's, I'm really lucky to have a good community here and her in particular. Yeah. 

[01:00:09] Tonya Papanikolov: Yeah. Beautiful. And I was wondering if you would share maybe just a few words for some actions or, What you have is like, Oh, do we want, do we want to create more actions for people?

[01:00:24] Tonya Papanikolov: I guess it could be just words you might want the audience to receive in takeaways from our pod. 

[01:00:32] Emmie Rae: Yeah. But what it comes down to in the end, which is not anything revolutionary or groundbreaking, but it's just like, you can trust your way. I think that's really it, you know, so often, whether it is the way that you work or the way that you want to run your social media or the dream that you have to live somewhere, like, I just really feel like these parts of us are here on purpose.

[01:01:01] Emmie Rae: A lot of us have this like beautiful opportunity and this beautiful privilege to actually be able to experiment with living. The way that we really want to, or really desire to, I don't think we've, we haven't, many people don't have that privilege. And I just think collectively we've never been in a space that that opportunity is quite present for a lot of us.

[01:01:23] Emmie Rae: I just think it's so worth it. It's so worth it. Whether that just is the way that you, yeah, spend your days or the work that you do, or. Yeah. The food that you eat, the place that you live, like all these things within you that are like resistant to a client avatar or drawn to like, you know, a certain place of the world.

[01:01:44] Emmie Rae: Like there's a reason for all of that, but like doesn't want to work on Mondays. And I think we often believe we have to have this like full plan and this full solution. And the, even the move to Japan has been just such a big, Teaching on so many levels, but it was such a reminder that there's, it's like, ah, there's a reason why I was always watching Japanese films or studying the language or learning to cook the food.

[01:02:09] Emmie Rae: It's like, but I didn't have to have this like step a to Z plan of how I was going to get there and what it was going to look like and by what date it was going to happen. It's just like, trust those things and those ways within you, rather than trying to change or suppress them or make sense of them because there's, It's really a reason for it.

[01:02:28] Emmie Rae: And I think that really excites me, 

[01:02:31] Tonya Papanikolov: really, really excites me too. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us and just showing up in the world in the way that you do as a beacon and reminding people that can look different. And yeah. None of it is right and none of it is wrong. And it's really just about connecting to the essence and the truth of like an individual and being in a trusting expression of that.

[01:03:00] Tonya Papanikolov: So thank you. So beautiful. Thank you so much for having me with deep gratitude. Thanks for tuning into this episode. If you liked it, hit subscribe and leave us a review, that is always very appreciated. Mushrooms transformed my mind and body, and if you're interested in bringing medicinal mushrooms into your life and health journey, check out for our meticulously sourced Canadian fruiting body mushroom tinctures. Until next time, peace in and peace out, friends.


Emmie Rae, The Daily Rest Studio, TDR Studio, no marketing plan, soft business, creative entrepreneur, yin yoga, restorative yoga, human design, planetary correspondences, fear of failure, moving to Tokyo, sensitivity