Unlock your psychic potential: exploring the Clair senses with Gaby Azorsky
EP 40

Unlock your psychic potential: exploring the Clair senses with Gaby Azorsky

Show Notes: 

Everyone has the ability to access psychic capacities. Gaby Azorsky calls on her psychic gifts across her work as a healing arts practitioner and medicine woman, weaving together Reiki, meditation, clairvoyance, and folk herbalism. Today, Gaby shares how living by her intuition has changed her life, ways to build a sacred practice, and an invitation to access your psychic potential. 

We begin with a tarot pull. The tarot mirrors what we’re currently experiencing and can provide fresh perspectives on that experience. We each describe how we interpret the tarot’s messages. Gaby shares her story of learning to tune in, a journey beautifully supported by her tarot, meditation, reiki, and altar work practices. Gaby explains how her practices often shift according to the month or season, but meditating in some way remains constant. An altar practice can symbolize a daily devotion to dreams, Goddess, or anything else in your practice. Gaby suggests different ways to begin creating your sacred space. 

One benefit of grounding and sacred practices is being able to tune into one or more of your claire senses which detect psychic information: clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairgustance, clairsalience, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairempathy, or clairtangency. We discuss the spectrum of subtle knowing embodied by these clairs. Gaby recalls her experience of moving from shame and embarrassment about her perceptive gifts as a child to moving to New York, finally feeling like she was with her people and reconnected to the magic of life. 

Gaby recalls how mushrooms have deeply impacted her nervous and immune systems. Reishi has become a nourishing hug that she craves. Working with the Earth as a teacher, in this episode, Gaby shares many of the beautiful lessons she has learned by listening.  


Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Topics Covered:

  • Lessons and reflections in the tarot
  • Gaby’s origin story
  • Meditation and sacred rituals 
  • Building an altar practice 
  • The eight claire senses
  • Decision-making, intuition, and time 
  • Asking for signs 
  • Gaby’s relationship with Reishi 
  • Nature is the ultimate teacher 

Resources Mentioned:

Guest Info: 

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Show Transcript:

Tonya Papanikolov  00:00

Tonya, Hi, welcome to the Rainbo podcast. I'm your host, Tonya Papanikolov. Rainbo and I are on a mission to upgrade humanity with fungi and expand the collective conscious. This podcast builds a virtual mycelial network of bold, open minded thinkers and seekers. I chat with experts, thought leaders, healers, scientists, entrepreneurs, spiritual teachers, activists and dreamers. These are stories of healing, human potential and expansion. Tune in root in expand and journey with us.


Gaby Azorsky  00:47

Hello, Gabby, hello Tonya, thank you for having me.


Tonya Papanikolov  00:53

I'm so grateful to have you on today, and to have had so much time with you in the past week and a bit, and to be dropping in and spiraling deeper and getting our rainbo light buddies on. So yes, I'm very grateful for you and your time and being here today. So thank you.


Gaby Azorsky  01:15

Thank you. I'm so excited. I love the Rainbo podcast, and so it's an honor to be part of it.


Tonya Papanikolov  01:22

Thank you. Well, I, as you may know, I start off with one thing we're grateful for today, so I'll leave it to you to kick us off.


Gaby Azorsky  01:32

I'm feeling really grateful today for those moments when you can sit in the in between of your thoughts. I love meditation, and if you're a frequent meditator, you know that it's often not easy or necessarily fun, but sometimes you do get to have a sit that is really peaceful. And if it's been a while since you've had a sit like that. When it happens, it just feels really, really good.


Tonya Papanikolov  02:06

I want that set, yeah.


Gaby Azorsky  02:09

What about you, beautiful? Thank


Tonya Papanikolov  02:11

you for sharing that for me. Well, I just felt a pretty big earthquake, like same 20 minutes ago, you felt it less. We were just talking about earthquakes too. I know Simon didn't feel it. He was in the kitchen making like, lunch, and I was like, earthquake. And he was like, really? That was really beautiful. So my gratitude piece for that is, I don't remember if I was telling you this, but I've been in just a lot of earthquakes this year, nothing tremendous and nothing overly scary, although every single one, I feel my adrenaline going through my body. I feel my instincts kick in, and it's really fascinating. 


Tonya Papanikolov  02:53

And I also have this sense of when she's coming, and I know the feelings so well, like I feel it. I feel it coming. And over the past, there was another little, little, little one last week, and over the past few days, I just can feel the earth rumbling beneath me. And it's not like it's probably not even a detectable earthquake, but I feel her in me, and so I am grateful for feeling the earth in me. Yeah, yeah, that's like some primal woman thing. I think it's so primal.


Gaby Azorsky  03:36

And, yeah, I told you about the mudslide that I was in earlier this year. And what I think I didn't mention is that that whole day, I kept feeling the energy of something coming into the house, whoa, and and because I was house sitting, I was also talking to myself, being like, you're just being paranoid. Everything's fine. Just keep listening to your intuition, and that's true, everything was fine, and something did come into the house. Crazy,


Tonya Papanikolov  04:07

such a It's so wild. I've been thinking about that story, actually, quite a bit since you told me. I


Gaby Azorsky  04:13

mean, I just laughed at the whole thing, because I was very safe at the end of the day, even though it did happen. So basically,


Tonya Papanikolov  04:21

a tree came into the room that you were supposed to be sleeping in. Yes, yeah.


Gaby Azorsky  04:27

Thank you for providing the context. And I had, you know, normally I go to bed real quite early, and that night, with all of the rains, I was aware that the storm was going to be the worst around midnight. And so I just was like, You know what? I'll just stay up late. I'll watch TV. It'll be like a cozy, fun sleepover thing. 


Gaby Azorsky  04:48

And at 1144 I heard what could only be described as sounding like a tree coming through the house, and I went into the room that I would have been sleeping in. Wow. And it was full. Full of branches and mud and yeah, and I just started laughing, just like, Goddess, what like? Okay. I Okay,


Tonya Papanikolov  05:16

yeah, wow, you stayed up late that night. You went into the other room. Okay, so, I mean, we're gonna chat about all this. We're gonna talk about psychic abilities and channeling and intuition and all of the other potentially descriptive or languages we choose to use to describe these abilities. And we decided that maybe we would start this episode with a Tarot pull, or a deck pull of some sort. So I would love to start there too.


Gaby Azorsky  05:52



Tonya Papanikolov  05:53

What deck are you using?


Gaby Azorsky  05:55

I have the wild unknown Tarot with me. Okay, beautiful, so


Tonya Papanikolov  06:00

I have that one over there. Let's do whichever one's calling to you. I'm gonna pull from the archetype stack and cool. Okay, and you do Tarot. Okay, yep,


Gaby Azorsky  06:11

why don't you pull one for me first, and then we like, receive it, and then I'll pull one for you.


Tonya Papanikolov  06:15

Okay, beautiful. So I've never done this over I know you have. I have not. Okay, so let's close our eyes together for a brief moment to tune in. And I have this deck that I have infused so much love and energy into that I pull from every day, and I'm just going to tune into you, your energy and your heart and see what wants to come through today. Okay, the pilgrim. The Pilgrim, okay,


Tonya Papanikolov  06:54

I know what this one's about.


Gaby Azorsky  07:02

So the wanderer, the traveler, the apprentice for the pilgrim, an outward journey is always an inward journey. This archetypal wanderer seeks wisdom, experience and meaning in the farthest reaches of the globe and the deepest regions of their spirit. Others will wonder when the pilgrim will settle down and claim a more conventional life, but the pilgrim knows that the heart belongs in motion. 


Gaby Azorsky  07:28

Where there is motion, there is freedom, expansion and growth, responsibilities, social conventions and logistics lull us to sleep, and soon the pilgrim becomes veiled in the slumber of the day to day. Yet when this archetype awakens, it rallies our sense of adventure and leads us out the door towards a new reality. With the pilgrim at your side, you will never lack courage, nor do you need every amenity. Travel, light, travel. Soon your spirit needs it. This is beautiful. I mean, I think it's very timely for you, given the fact that you just uprooted life. And last time I saw you, you were pilgrim in your car, your belongings were in your car. 


Gaby Azorsky  08:12

This resonates with me too, and I feel like the journey is always like that. Circuitous journey is like you're somewhere deep along that and have I've seen you and known you, I guess, for a few years now, and seen this like fuller and fuller expression of you come into existence, and seen you bloom and your business is business bloom, and you come into a deeper and truer version of yourself, even though we like I don't even know you that that well, but I feel that. 


Gaby Azorsky  08:47

So I think in some ways there's this like aspect of you that I see as the continual learner and somebody who seeks that and has that desire for more and is constantly hungering for life and like soaking it all up and learning and sharing and so


Tonya Papanikolov  09:09

see that. Thank you. Yeah, I can't help but smile. I mean, it's Monday, and on Friday I'm leaving for three weeks of traveling, and which, you know, I'm only bringing a carry on suitcase, so I'm literally trying to pack very lightly,


Tonya Papanikolov  09:26

amazing. Wow. Yeah, this is a very, very timely that's


Gaby Azorsky  09:31

very timely. It feels very literal for me, this in this moment, and also it really reminds me, and maybe you feel this too, because of the Taurus that's prominent in your chart, and I'm a Taurus rising, but like this moment in time, and it's the beginning of August right now, is really mirroring two years ago for something to do with like, you're honest, transiting something. I don't really know too much about it, but I. Know that there's a mirror happening. 


Gaby Azorsky  10:01

And this time two years ago, I had just quit my retail job, which was my last retail job now looking back, and then I had a random job interview for like, a position that was going to be a huge life upgrade. I was then traveling for six weeks, and I knew that when I came back from that trip, my life was going to be completely different, but I didn't know how or what it would be yet, and I knew that would include meeting my partner who I and some sort of financial support system coming in. 


Gaby Azorsky  10:36

And the day I was flying back to the states from Italy, I got an offer letter from this company, and a month after that, I met Connor, like to the day to the day to the day. And so even though this is a three week trip that I'm going on, I still really feel that like wave, that I'm being carried to a new shore. And it also really feels like the last hurrah of summer says before we transition to fall, which I'm feeling that in the air this week, yeah,


Tonya Papanikolov  11:07

I started making a curry last week. I was like, this is a bit early, but I feel like it's right. Yeah, thank


Gaby Azorsky  11:14

you for that. Oh, my pleasure. So beautiful. Okay, I'll pull a card for you. I just want to note the High Priestess is already speaking up. Okay? Yeah, no, she wants to come through. I start shuffling it, and then she's like, No, this is, this is what you're talking about today. Often the way that I pull cards is without a question. 


Gaby Azorsky  11:34

It's just, what do I need to know? What needs to be spoken unless it's like, really specific, encouraging the unknown. So here's the High Priestess card for you from this deck, this beautiful tigress of the night. And this card is for me at its baseline, and a reminder of your intuition, a reminder of your innate Oracle nature of You, know, psychic wisdom that is already within you and has been for lifetimes. 


Gaby Azorsky  12:09

It's so connected to the lunar cycles, the night, inner sight and really letting your intuition guide you. And sometimes this card can talk about practices to connect to your intuition or listen to your intuition, or like little games that you can play with yourself. And another piece of this card that I love so much is the message of seeing beauty and the sacred and everything and knowing that that is also part of you.


Tonya Papanikolov  12:43

Yeah. Thank you so much. That feels so timely. My experience of life lately has been, and I'll say like, it's all with a grain of salt, you know, because there's, like, always, always ebbs and flows. But just like the pocket lately has been really, really rich with how incredibly intuitive I feel and the like, co creative dance that is happening, and I ebb and flow. Like I say this, maybe that's an easy perception to have of me, but it's there's ebbs and flows, I will say. 


Tonya Papanikolov  13:20

But you know, I was going through a bit of this, like, more difficult time, and then on the other side of that, I see the lesson, and it's like, obviously you don't have that site until you can look back and you have the whatever, the hindsight. And there's moments where there's, like, deep knowings about things, but it's just been this really dynamic experience lately of thinking something, and then it's there just as a thought. And then the the manifest, like the physical manifestation, appears. So yeah, I thank you for that card, and I mirror that card right back to you, because I know that you are the high priestess.


Gaby Azorsky  13:57

There's a funny a funny synchronicity is, you know, you know, you can go to the one of those websites and be like, what's my birthday tarot card like to for the numerology of it all, and mine is the High Priestess. Oh, cool. I didn't. Oh yeah, you can. So fun. Years and years ago, I was in New York at an art show, and I was like, I'm gonna get this tattoo of this tiger meditating on my arm too. 


Gaby Azorsky  14:21

Thank you. And I was like, I don't know why. I just feel like she's me. I kept saying that, and this was, like, years before I even started working with this deck, which was the first deck that I received. So here's another little fun synchronicity, cool. Well,


Tonya Papanikolov  14:36

we're gonna talk a lot about some of these topics, as I mentioned, but why don't we? I would love to hear about you asked me on your podcast to share my origin story. And I love that question, and I would love to know your origin story and how you are describing that right now. Yeah, absolutely.


Gaby Azorsky  14:58

Thank you. Yeah. How I would describe my origin story as it is coming through me in this moment, as this version,


Tonya Papanikolov  15:06

yes, exactly


Gaby Azorsky  15:09

today, right now, at 1pm I would say I feel very much of the earth and of the stars, and a bit more tactilely, I was born in Los Angeles, California, and I was raised in a town called Prairie Village, Kansas, just outside of Kansas City. And it's much smaller sounding than it actually is, but it was a really beautiful place to be raised. And yeah, my I'm really tuning into, like, what summer felt like growing up. And I would ride my bike around a lot. I was always at the public pool swimming. 


Gaby Azorsky  15:54

I have a younger sister named Chloe, and so we would do a lot of, like, arts and crafts, dance performances, very close, sisterly things. And I also remember being young and just having a very clear knowing within me that I was that something really difficult was going to need to happen to me in my life, for me to be forged into. However it is that I was meant to be. And I'm not sure if that was like Disney movie, subconscious programming of like a hero's journey, but I really was aware of that and afraid of that. And yeah, I would describe my origins as being very sweet, very sensitive, very creative, very self expressive and delicious. 


Gaby Azorsky  16:48

Everything in my family is always centered around food, and my ancestors are on one side of the family, I think maybe fourth or fifth generation, rooted in the middle of the United States, in Kansas and in Missouri, but before that, from Russia and Eastern Europe, and then on the other side of my family, from Czechoslovakia, which is now the Czech Republic, and landed in California. And I also feel very, very, very from California. And growing up in Kansas was very difficult for me at certain points, and I would say to my parents, why don't we live in LA like,


Tonya Papanikolov  17:27

I hate it. So you remembered being here before moving? No, I


Gaby Azorsky  17:34

was a baby. Oh, we would see much time here. And my grandparents were here, our friends were here, I went to sleep away camp for seven years, eight years in Malibu, out here, so like, my close camp friends were here, and I would fly back to Kansas, and I was just like, I mean, I tried to run away from home, like I was, you know, I was Not wanting to be there in high school years, and I also always knew that I was gonna go to fit for college. 


Gaby Azorsky  18:08

Who knows how I even, like, learned that that school existed, but I remember knowing that at like 11, and I knew that after New York, I was gonna live in LA and of course, when you're young, you think you're gonna, like, settle down when you're 28 years old. So I was like, Yeah, I'm gonna live in New York for 10 years and then move to LA when I'm ready to settle down. And yeah, and right now I'm, I'm closing my LA chapter a little bit and preparing to move to Ojai, which, if you're listening, is a really beautiful, magical, small city about an hour and 20 minutes outside of Los Angeles, so it's still very connected here, and it doesn't feel like a as much of a severe goodbye as moving from New York to LA does.


Tonya Papanikolov  18:55

Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for sharing that the word delicious is just like landing, and that's, yeah, it sounds that sounds like a beautiful, beautiful upbringing in origin story, I guess. Moving back to the Tarot piece, like, how are you? How did that come into your life? What is the significance of it, and how do you, yeah, how do you work with it?


Gaby Azorsky  19:19

I was always really fascinated with the Tarot when I was young and just, you know, the imagination of being little and wanting to be like a fairy, or making potions and the bath and all of that fun creativity the best. So I always knew that it was going to be something that I wanted to learn about and get into. And I have that kind of feeling with a lot of interests that present themselves to me. 


Gaby Azorsky  19:50

And I'm very much like, yeah, that'll happen whenever it's going to happen. And a friend of mine named Daisy, she gifted me this deck as a. Earth Day present, which I think that was in 2019 and I was living in Bed Stuy in Brooklyn, and I already had a really serious daily meditation practice. And so every morning, I would sit at my altar and I would meditate, and I just started by pulling one card a day. What do I need to know for today? And you just really get to know the deck, and you get to know yourself, especially when you start pulling the same card over and over and over again


Tonya Papanikolov  20:31

totally and you're like, I shuffled this. Yeah, it gets it gets crazy.


Gaby Azorsky  20:36

It's crazy. It's such a mirror. I also am really clear that I don't work with Tarot as a future predictive modality. I really love how Tarot is a mirror to what we're currently experiencing, and can just provide other perspectives to that experience. And when that really landed for me in that February of 2019 I kept pulling the nine of swords, which has so many meanings and in the wild, unknown Tarot by Kim Kranz. 


Gaby Azorsky  21:11

It's a depiction of a really gross looking like slimy sluggy maggot with a bunch of eyeballs and swords going through it. And I was just, I kept just trying to date this one person that was not interested or available. And that card was just so clearly saying to me, like, Babe, you are torturing yourself right now, yeah. And that is not how I read that card when it comes through me today, but that's what it was at that moment. And so really just getting to know the deck. And then friends started asking me to pull cards for them, and it's been a really, really slow process of just getting to know the deck and the traditional archetypes. And while that's happening, getting to know my intuition and my gifts and and allowing space for those to play together


Tonya Papanikolov  22:13

totally, I love that. I've been working with this deck for many years now, and I continue gifting it all over the place. I think everybody in my life has has received one almost. But now I'm feeling some tarot draws. So I'm learning I'm just in that phase of like, I haven't gone too intuitive with it yet. Actually, I'm kind of just like, what is the traditional meaning of this? And I'm going back and forth between Kim's and the


Gaby Azorsky  22:40

classic yellow, the writer weight, a writer wake.


Tonya Papanikolov  22:44

Yeah. And to have some cool books that I'm just like, it's a lot to like, kind of memorize the meaning of everything. So I'm on a slow journey. But it's, it's feeling really, really interesting. Two quick, hilarious stories I want to share. Yes, one, when Simon first started designing a ring for me to propose, I was completely like, I didn't know that what he was doing the two and I was like, hey, like, let's sit down for a card pulling. 


Tonya Papanikolov  23:13

And I pulled for him, and then I pulled for myself, and the two cards I pulled were the ring in the vow. And I was just like, Oh, cool. Like, yeah. And he was just like, he's like, I literally almost fainted. He's like, it was, it was just, it couldn't. It was so funny. He had just started signing the ring, which is just hilarious. And then beautifully when my grandmother passed away last October, end of October. 


Tonya Papanikolov  23:44

She was very old, and really was praying to to go because she wasn't. It was just time. It was her time. And of course, when I received the news, I was you're in grief, and it's really difficult, the two cards I had pulled just basically as she was passing, because within 20 minutes, I got the call that that she'd passed. The two cards I pulled were the crone and the prayer. And I was like, so reminded of like, this was her wish, like she's ready she has seen the smoldering cycles of all that is and like it's, there's there's moments, I guess I share that to say the is nothing short of astonishing, pulling a card every day and just strengthening that relationship and Seeing what comes and the level of, sometimes, just comfort curiosity, you know, that comes from it for me. Anyways,


Gaby Azorsky  24:48

yes, and it's such a great way to build that muscle, like you said, and then similarly, I will, like, go months without pulling a card for myself, because. As I just am so deep in maybe working with other people that I want to be present to my experience, just like really in myself, without other perspectives. And then I'll pull a card that's like, just at the moment of desperation, where I'm like, What am I doing? And then the card says, you know, new beginnings like part of the process, and that just brings you into that energy of faith


Tonya Papanikolov  25:29

totally. I want to touch on two other practices of yours. I know you have actually a handful of practices, but I would love to hear about meditation, Reiki, your daily practice of going to your altar. And I know that's very sacred, but anything you could share with us about


Gaby Azorsky  25:50

that, yeah, I'm happy to share about it, and it also is really sacred. So thank you for voicing that. I started meditating when I was 21 I received a gift card to a meditation studio in New York called mindful that isn't open anymore, and there was a beginning of the year 30 day meditation challenge. And if you went to the studio every day, there was some prize at the end. 


Gaby Azorsky  26:17

And I went every day, and I was a student at fit at the time, and I sometimes went twice a day, like before an 8am class, after a 6pm class, I just became obsessed, and it felt like such deep dedication, because I was taking the train really early in the morning in winter to sit and then sit at School. And I just was like, I love this. Like, I've been waiting my life to love something like this much. And at the end of the 30 days, I was basically like, I have to do this every day for the rest of my life, like no other choice. And I pretty much have, because it's just, it's just what it is. 


Gaby Azorsky  26:57

And I've said this on my podcast, but there have been points in my life where I'm like, my meditation practice is the most important thing to me, like, above family, above friends. I have felt that way before, and I don't currently feel that way, but it was just like the deepest refuge and practice and taught me so much about compassion and boundaries, and still does every day. And that kind of led me, that kind of it did lead me to Reiki. I remember going to Maha rose, which is a really beautiful studio in New York, and they had Reiki Happy Hour on Fridays. 


Gaby Azorsky  27:38

And I was like, Oh, this is great. I'm a student. Let's see what this is about. And I was working at glossier at the time, at, like, the early glossier days, and we had this one Slack channel, and someone had written, like, has anyone heard of Reiki? Like, and someone else was like, Yeah, I think it's painful, which is so funny, like they were thinking it was some kind of, like, intense time massage. And I was okay, people are talking about this on Slack, I'm gonna see what's up. So I go, I lay on a table for 30 minutes. I leave, and I'm like, what just happened? 


Gaby Azorsky  28:08

Like someone just had their hands hovering above me. Maybe it was even 20 minutes. And I have never felt more relaxed or at peace. Wow. And maybe since I was a child and I really struggled with anxiety and depression on and off through teenhood and and post college. And so I was just like, Okay, I have no idea what just happened. Let's just sit with that like for a moment. And it was just another moment of knowing, of you know what I think this will be something I look into when I moved to LA, which at that point I thought would be in seven years, right?


Tonya Papanikolov  28:46

I get married,


Gaby Azorsky  28:50

and blah, blah, blah, I moved to LA in 2020, a few years later, I remember that moment, and I was like, Oh, I remember hearing about Laura Elliot, who's my main Reiki teacher, so I check she's hosting a small workshop Reiki one training at her home. Amazing. I sign up. I'm like, I'm just following my curiosity. I was really in a phase of following my curiosity without needing to have a reason why, practicing, trusting my intuition. And after the first day of Reiki training, it was like this exhale of, Oh, I know why I'm here. Reiki is just meditation.


Tonya Papanikolov  29:34

I was like, Wait a minute. Like,


Gaby Azorsky  29:36

so, 333, there's a healing modality that is just more meditation, like, that's my favorite thing. Yes, I want to do more of that beautiful and, you know, they share the foundations of Zen, Buddhism, different aspects of those traditions, which I really love being a student of as well.


Tonya Papanikolov  29:56

Oh, I want to come to you for some Reiki. Yes. Would, I would love that that's so beautiful. I resonate that kind of similarly at that age. For me, it was yoga and meditation, but largely yoga. Yeah, the public transit that I would take every single day was a dedication beyond any I've known. It was so hardcore. It's so interesting the way that happens, you know, like in this culture too, where it's not native to our culture, per se, but, of course, but like, but that there's like a hunger and a search for it and a landing when you do if you do find it, it feels necessary. It feels like I've been waiting to meet myself here.


Gaby Azorsky  30:47

Yes. And with that comes align Sangha, which is like Dharma community. And also with that comes meeting friends who are in their 60s. Yeah. And I'm having that same kind of renaissance right now with the practice of Cha Dao tea ceremony, which I'm at the very, very, very beginning of, but it's just more meditation in another form, and I'm driving hours to sit for tea, and it's that same like hunger of like, I have to sit, I have to sit, I have to sit, I have to sit. And if I don't for a day, like, I miss it. I miss it.


Tonya Papanikolov  31:31

Do you have a specific like every day same time? Do you? Is there flexibility for you?


Gaby Azorsky  31:37

I how I phrase it again and again. For me personally is I say I wake up and then I sit down. And you know, for some people, they need to eat breakfast, they need to go on a walk. And I'm very open to my practices changing seasonally. And for me, I wake up maybe between seven and 730 I lay in bed for a little while that's like, that's something that I've released shame around, is that that's just part of me or wants to be. And I said at my altar, I heat up water for tea. I might do a little bit of like chi gong or stretching. 


Gaby Azorsky  32:19

Always, cat cow always I'm glad to hear yes. Loosen up my lubricated spine, yep. And also, just like a side tip, if anyone's wanting to start a meditation practice, stretch before, because it will make it much easier for you to sit in stillness. Yeah, right now I sit for tea, which is, you know, like a 30 minute practice of meditating while sitting for tea. I really love having a candle or like a rock and some incense in front of me, just something of the different elements of water, air, earth, fire. 


Gaby Azorsky  32:59

Maybe there's a particular card that I'm working with. So right now at my altar, I have it here next to us. I have this card from the rose oracle that says, Rose without thorns. You have a right to your joy, sweetness of life, which is a very August energy card. And it's just, you know, just as a reminder of what I'm being guided and invited into coming back to more deeply and oftentimes. 


Gaby Azorsky  33:29

As far as meditation goes, it's a simple like breath, mindfulness practice, or metta, loving kindness practice, or a Zen silence, stillness, just breathing, coming back to your breath every time you notice your mind has wandered, which is constant. And I also find, like in the spring and summer, I really start to crave doing more Kundalini. And then in the fall and in the winter, I just crave this deep, Zen stillness practice a long, quiet set.


Tonya Papanikolov  34:01

Yeah, it's interesting you say that I have recently just started to integrate more silence into and meditative moments into my Kundalini practice, because I was finding like I'm not just sitting in silence, like not giving myself those chunks of time that I feel like I want or crave or sometimes need to just sit. So I love that you you let that shift with the seasons. Yeah, and,


Gaby Azorsky  34:27

and I feel like sitting in stillness and in silence is extremely important to me, because that's where you are setting yourself up to be able to sit with discomfort, which happens in kundalini too. You know, you're sitting with your arms in the air for like, 30 minutes, yeah? And in both of those places, your mind is like, why are you doing this? Like, yeah, put your arms down. Right. 


Gaby Azorsky  34:50

Put your arms down. And so within that seasonal shifting, I like to experiment with doing the same thing day and day and day and day. That's just me. And my herbalism teacher Marisha miranowska calls it blissipline. So I love applying that to this practice too, because there is a balance of bliss upline with like having a daily meditation practice, and also like not feeling like it is very different than feeling like, you know, I really want to go on a walk today. So just being like, just listening to those moments of resistance that come up for you, but for me, like, sitting in meditation is like candy, even if it's difficult. But when you start, you kind of need to have a reward system for yourself.


Tonya Papanikolov  35:37

I like that. Yeah, I'm similar. I have to, it kind of has to be first thing for me, just based on my days and my mind, like it is much harder if I pretty much do anything I have, like, a lot of water, bring my water to my mat, go to the washroom, bathroom, and then go straight to my mat.


Gaby Azorsky  36:02

Yeah, the mat of it all is like, one of my favorite lessons from yoga, which is like your mat is always there for you. You can be gone from your mat for months, but your mat will always be happy to greet you and be like, It's okay, baby, like you're back now. Hello. Totally No, yeah. And to answer a bit more about the altar. To me, the altar is a symbol of, like, my devotion to my practice to God, Goddess, Gaia, myself, my heart, my visions that I'm tending. It's just this daily representation of the devotion to my dreams. And also, like, it's pretty and so I love that for


Tonya Papanikolov  36:44

anybody who doesn't have one wants to set an altar up, we could chat through some things that you might put on your altar.


Gaby Azorsky  36:53

Yeah, so beautiful. And when I first started sitting with an altar, my meditation teacher at the time said, like, do not share this. This is sacred. Like, don't post a photo of this on Instagram. Like, this is sacred. This is just for you. And I really honored that for years. And then right now, like, I post a picture of my altar every day, because I feel like that's what wants to be shared through me, and that's totally okay. 


Gaby Azorsky  37:17

And so I really want to encourage anyone who's wanting to create an altar space for themselves to pick a place in their home. For me, it's right next to my bed, in front of a window that looks a tree, and that's how it's been for the past, like, you know, six years and all these iterations of my apartments that I've lived in, I love having a candle or incense to just create sacred space. I don't work with many crystals, but I really like Selenite because it's so cleansing and holding and like stable feeling for me. So I often will have some Selenite, and usually that's it. 


Gaby Azorsky  37:57

I also, you know, love collecting rocks and Driftwood when I'm at the beach or somewhere that's meaningful to me in nature. And so sometimes there will just be like a rock there. I love having my sheepskin to sit on, which I didn't have until this year after meditating for like eight years every day, but I was really just like wanting a sheepskin, and then it just felt like something I didn't want to purchase for myself. And finally, like a friend was like, I'm moving. You can have my sheepskin. Ah, so that's special. And then, of course, I have a meditation cushion, which, like, is actually probably the most important thing. Which


Tonya Papanikolov  38:36

cushion do you do use any, or, like, any specific Yeah, well, I


Gaby Azorsky  38:40

have this one from this company called Half Moon. Oh, we


Tonya Papanikolov  38:43

love them. Yeah, they're good friends of mine. Oh, cool. Yeah.


Gaby Azorsky  38:48

I like them. You know, they're like, B Corp certified also, and, yeah, all that good stuff. But yeah, I really, like, I really like that one. I've had it for years now, and I would just say, like, tune into what sacred space feels like for you, because for you, it might not be a candle for you, it might be a glass of water. Or for you, it might be literally nothing. For you, it might be A Course in Miracles or a Bible, or sometimes I like to read a page out of like a Buddhist text, like once a day, and just kind of marinate on that a little bit as I'm making breakfast, yeah, sit with something that would be meaningful for you, beautiful. Thank


Tonya Papanikolov  39:30

you. I would love to shift a little bit towards clairvoyance and psychic abilities. And thought, yeah, we could just have a discussion around this. I wanted to highlight eight of the Claire senses for listeners so that maybe we just start with that, and then we can get into I'd love to hear about your experience with this. And. Like tuning in and what it feels like for you. 


Tonya Papanikolov  40:03

And I also just wanted to say that I see this as like a sliding scale, because all of these are kind of things that we all possess, and it's to what degree is that tuned in or tuned out or dialed up or down. I'll start with the first one. So clairvoyance, which is the sense of vision, psychic sight, Claire cognizance, which is the sense of knowing, psychic insight. I might get some of the pronunciations on this a little bit off, but Claire gustance is the sense of taste, so being able to orally detect psychic information, Wow, so cool to me. 


Tonya Papanikolov  40:46

Yeah, I know. I don't know if I know anybody like that, but that's I would love to know people like that, Claire salience, which is the sense of smell. So this would be detecting from your nose psychic information, which is really interesting, because scent and memory, like there's got to be something very fascinating. There clear audience, which is a clear sense of healing, being able to detect psychic information through the ears. So sound. 


Tonya Papanikolov  41:15

Clairsentience is a sense of a feeling, being able to detect psychic information through the body, through your feeling of the body. Claire empathy is a clear sense of emotional feeling, being able to detect psychic information through your emotions. And then Claire, tangency, which is the sense of touch, being able to detect psychic information through your hands, which is, I'm sure, yeah, a lot of, like, Reiki, you know, stuff that could come through there or get heightened through that subtle experience. And these can all be subtle, gross experiences. 


Tonya Papanikolov  41:52

Like, I think the ability for any of these is so can be subjective, like, and so I would just love to know about the evolution. And when we say these things, it's like part of this is intuition. Intuition can be all of these things. It's kind of the sensory input of how that information comes into the body. But I would love to know about how your own intuition has developed. Anything you might want to share about the clairvoyance piece or what this brings up?


Gaby Azorsky  42:26

Yeah, but before I do, I love that you named that this is a spectrum and that, yeah, our bodies are channels, and so whether we're channeling earth energy or heaven energy, and as we're coming together at our hearts, which is like a Reiki principle, we all have a subtle knowing within us. And I feel for me and my experience as a child, I was incredibly open and excited to be here me too, like, mega, totally expressive, sensitive, curious, and sometimes I would see things, and I remember not wanting to tell anyone that, because I was really scared of, you know, being put in, like a mental hospital or something like that, and so I really kept it inside with this knowing of like but I know that magic exists. I know that all of these subtle energies that I'm feeling and seeing and dreaming and imagining are real. Why is no one talking about this? And one of my first moments of, like, oppressing those feelings within me, I remember being in fifth grade, and it was a week of, like, just having a lot of psychic experiences, and I don't really remember what those were now, but I remember saying something like raising my hand in class and being like, Well, what about this happening? And everyone, including the teacher, was just like, looking at me like, deer in headlights. And that was a moment of like, oh, okay, I will never speak about this again. Kind of a feeling, no problem.


Tonya Papanikolov  44:19

Oh, you brought you. Brought it up in class.


Gaby Azorsky  44:22

I was like, Well, what happens with, you know, blah, blah, blah. I don't even know what I said, but I just remember it wasn't, it was like I was speaking a different language. And so I feel like that's kind of when the layers of like, like the onion layers just get put on you. And just bringing in a little bit of Reiki here. And Reiki, we say everyone has a great bright light within them. And as you move through life, like lampshades just get put on your great bright light, and Reiki is just gently removing those lampshades so that the diamond of who you are can shine. And so Reiki doesn't fix anything do. 


Gaby Azorsky  44:59

Because you are not broken. It's just polishing the diamond of who you are, dusting, dusting the diamond. So I would have a lot of little moments like that, of like testing the waters, of sharing something and then seeing that it wasn't understood. So therefore I wasn't understood, is how a child receives that in the body. Eventually, I became extremely depressed in high school, like I used to like, have like, a fashion show every day in the hallway, and I just was like, I can only wear black because I can't be bothered anymore to keep trying to explain who I am. And it was like a good year of just feeling so defeated and like, I couldn't really express myself. 


Gaby Azorsky  45:43

This is also when I was, like, trying to run away from home and move to California, because I felt like that was going to allow me to be myself or to New York. But like, I wasn't trying, you know, just I had to get out of there. And I remember having a conversation with my mom about just feeling so frustrated and stuck and feeling so different than any everyone else in my class. And I'm sure every teenager feels this way, right, and that's part of, like the initiation of being a teenager for many, many people. And she just said, like, well, sweetie, I think you might need to accept that your life looks a little different than others. 


Gaby Azorsky  46:20

And I just remember like crying, like knowing that to be true for me, and I think that's actually true for all of us. Like I read a quote just earlier today that was, like, if you're following a path that's laid out in front of you, it's probably not your path. I think it's like a Carl Jung quote. So there's, you know, human experience that we all understand in everything that I'm sharing. So it was just like threads of, you know, little things happening, moments of knowing, of like I know something bad needs to happen to me so that I can be who I meant to be, which ended up being this really intense round of depression. 


Gaby Azorsky  46:54

I had that knowing, like a month before it started to set in. And then I remember also the feeling of knowing when I started to come out of it, it felt like I remember wanting to pick up a book and read again, which I hadn't felt for months. And that was like, I'm walking towards the light. I don't know when I'm gonna get back to the light at the end of the tunnel, but like, at least now I see the tunnel. And


Tonya Papanikolov  47:17

you were a teenager at this point in high school.


Gaby Azorsky  47:19

Yeah, I think, like 16 ish, and I just really associate all of that with, like, you know, needing to put on the layers of adapting to society as you are supposed to in the Midwest, in a predominantly like white, Christian upper middle class community. And once I moved to New York when I was 18, I felt like a fish in water finally, and I could, like breathe, and I spent all day walking around the city. 


Gaby Azorsky  47:48

And then I started meditating and feeling the magic of a butterfly in front of you when you're walking, seeing how when I would walk to my subway in the morning, the grass growing through the cracks of the pavement in New York City, and just being like, wow. And so really starting to reconnect with the magic of life, because I felt like I could just be myself, because in New York, like, no one gives an F who you are or what you're wearing.


Tonya Papanikolov  48:18

Yeah, it's so interesting. Like thinking about, like, the village card is coming to mind, and then the pilgrim card, right? Because it's like, the village ultimately constrains that which it creates. And yeah, we need to venture out of the walls


Gaby Azorsky  48:37

experience, yeah. And so, like, you know, I'm painting these two pictures of like, I love how I was raised, and I also felt incredibly contractive. And it's both, yes, yeah, it's both. And so once I got to New York, I started just listening to podcasts and reading books and going into like, Mystic occult stores and flower power, which is an amazing herbalism store in the East Village, like I used to buy all my herbs there, and it's like a cave. It's so cool. It really is. One day I just heard like, Yeah, well, just talk to your spiritual team. 


Gaby Azorsky  49:15

And I was like, what? And so I just started speaking out loud. I heard someone on a podcast be like, it's really good to talk to them in the shower. So every day I was in the shower, like, talking to my spiritual team, like, send me the sign of like an armadillo. And I kept talking and talking and talking, and I wasn't hearing anything or seeing anything. Like, no signs were coming my way for, like, what felt like months. I don't know, in reality, how long it actually was fair. Couldn't tell you, but it felt like a long time of asking and nothing happening. 


Gaby Azorsky  49:48

And then one day, I was at my altar, just had my morning meditation practice, had just pulled a card, and I closed my eyes and I said, like. So if you're there, can you please just send me a sign that, like, I'm okay, that I'm on the right path, like, just, just give me that. And I opened my eyes, and there was this white butterfly floating right in front of me. And this is a window in a brownstone in Brooklyn. I had sat in front of for years at this point, every day, and I had never once seen a butterfly there before. I was like, That's it. That's the sign. 


Gaby Azorsky  50:26

And also, another moment of like strengthening your intuitive muscle, is if you think it's a sign, it's a sign, because it's different. For all of us, all of us have different dictionaries with spirit. And for me, when I close my eyes, I see whole worlds, whole pictures, and what feels like where my third eye would be, and I lucid dream and explore and like those dreams happen. I just never wanted to tell anyone that, because I was afraid of being put on medication or something, which, in retrospect, like that would not have happened, right? 


Gaby Azorsky  51:05

But that's probably past life stuff creeping in, right? Yeah, totally. And so the more that I have learned what my intuition feels like for me, which is a little bit of a mix of everything that you just said. I mean, I don't taste things and feel psychically about them, but like, that's so cool. And maybe I will, like, at lunch today, because now I like, I'm thinking about it. Yeah, totally, it's so fluid. But it's


Tonya Papanikolov  51:32

also like, we maybe don't know where the origins of a thought come from, right? Like, there is so much that the subconscious mind is processing that we are not privy to, we would not have the capacity to process that amount of information. Anything and everything is information. A glass of water is information that specific, like celery, constitution of molecules like, you know, there's is information coming to us from every angle at all points of existence. And what's interesting is that a lot of this stuff might be going right into the subconscious and yet having a profound effect. Yes,


Gaby Azorsky  52:14

and what that also reminds me of, it's like if you are asking for a sign and asking for a sign from your spiritual team angels, whoever you feel connected to, or whoever you want to build a relationship with. If you see something, you don't need to know what it means. You can say, Oh, I'm seeing or I keep hearing, like something about a pink flower. I don't know what that means, but like, I acknowledge it. And then you can also start to tune into the synchronicities of, like, that pink flower. 


Gaby Azorsky  52:43

And then you go into the herbalism store, and someone's like, giving like, you know, Rose spritzes or whatever. And you're like, Oh, that's so funny. I was just thinking about pink flowers. And then, you know, you just keep walking, and then you find one on the ground and, like, so the stranger hands you a bouquet of pink flowers. You're like, Okay, this is just getting weird. 


Gaby Azorsky  53:01

And that weird Alice in Wonderland kind of effect is, like, the reality of my life now, because of these games of, How deep can I go to follow my intuition, because, like, what is the actual worst case scenario? And I'm very fortunate that for me, the worst case scenario is that, like, I quote, fail, which, like, don't even know what that means, and then I have to move back home with my family to Kansas for a few months until I get back on my feet and reevaluate and like, for me, that's the worst case scenario. 


Gaby Azorsky  53:36

And there is a lot of gratitude that I have, that that for me, is like, what failing would look like. And so because I have that, I feel like it's a very safe experiment to trust my intuition and see where that goes. Because why not? Like time is fake. So like, yeah, yeah,


Tonya Papanikolov  53:57

I love that. And that's that feels very, very resonant. It's a good reminder. Sometimes, something I like to remind myself of is like, when has it ever, even in the hard moments, even when maybe there's like, indecision or the unsureness of, like, which way to go? Or was that a sign, or was that my fear or whatever? There's really, ultimately no right or wrong. There's only going to be the decision you make and you can remake it, and you can always go into a different direction. 


Tonya Papanikolov  54:34

And like, how many times, really and truly, did it not work out? Like, sure, I'm sure we could, like, you know, okay, well, that project there, like, sure, yeah. And like, I feel like there's distillations of, like, Okay, well, why didn't it work out? Or all that stuff that we could if we wanted to go through. But it's like, ultimately, this beautiful realization and journey of, like, feeling like you are meant to be exactly where you're meant to be. Me, and that everything has happened for a reason, and that nothing is set in stone either, like there's redirections that are constantly happening and taking course,


Gaby Azorsky  55:09

yes, and what you just brought up is something that a lot of Tarot clients come to me with, is like, I don't know what to do about this decision. And the answer is usually, like, Whatever decision you make is going to be the right decision. Because if you need to learn a lesson, that's the decision that you make. And if you are, like, ready to free yourself from a pattern, then that's the decision that you're going to make. Or maybe you needed to, like, experience something, because it sets you up for something else that you'll be able to help someone else with in the future. I just also


Tonya Papanikolov  55:47

saw something on Instagram, I think maybe yesterday, but it was, I should have saved it, but it was this young monk who was basically saying, like, Okay, I'm gonna butcher this. But essentially, like, if there's a problem that you're worrying about and it can be solved, there's no point in worrying about it. And if there's a problem that can't be solved, there's still no point in worrying about it. 


Tonya Papanikolov  56:14

And that felt so despite the better knowing those cycles that we find ourselves to, and now I'm just coming back to, like, the meditative mind. I had a really deep Kundalini practice with a teacher of mine last week, and we found the like shunia, like nothingness. And I was just like, How deep can I go? I'm just like stripping away thoughts.


Tonya Papanikolov  56:40

Next thought comes in, and I was just like, tunneling into this vast void of nothingness. And I got so deep that I was like, Oh my God, there is nothing here. Like, have Will I ever go back like it was empty, empty. It was so cool to be there. But I guess I say that because there's just a lot of time that we can spend. I can spend. I'm gonna talk from experience, like, I can spend this time going back and forth on, like, the right decision to make, or or like, you know, what are the implications going to be if I do go this way versus going that way? 


Tonya Papanikolov  57:14

And sometimes they're big decisions, and they deserve some of that thought. But also, what I have learned up to this point is that I can always redirect, and also the wisdom that's going to come out of just making the decision whether or not like that, that's also part of what's next, that you're going to learn either way you go. Gonna be a lesson. Yeah,


Gaby Azorsky  57:36

I love how you just worded that. And, you know, we both love human design also and for me, melding like what is my strategy and what is my profile, and watching how that is directly correlated to how I receive intuitive knowings within me has been so helpful because it's just more encouragement for me to be myself in following what it is for me wherever I am being guided. I


Tonya Papanikolov  58:06

love that you said that, because something I learned recently is that my authority in human design is to talk it out. It totally is. Yeah, you know, it really is. And like, what's hilarious is that I have known this about myself, which is, like, it's normal for me. It's like, I don't want you to make my decision for me, but I want to talk to you about it, like with my family anyways. 


Tonya Papanikolov  58:31

But then I received the label of being indecisive, and I carried that for so long because I didn't really know that that was part of my process to get to my ability to make a decision was just like, I could have you, just like standing there, just like you are nodding your head, just like, I just need that sounding board, because for me, it's in the sounding of like, of what Truth feels like to say that I come to that place of reaching a decision, and it's so different for everybody else. There are people that have, like, instinctual knowing, and that's great, but it's like, just understanding how you make those decisions is revolutionary. I wouldn't dare call myself indecisive now, and I think it's interesting the way that you know that that we can take on those labels even though they aren't ours. Yes, totally. 


Gaby Azorsky  59:28

Even just yesterday, I was like, what stories am I carrying that aren't mine? And I wish I remembered the example that I thought of yesterday, because it was so ridiculous. Well, whatever, who knows what it was. Yeah, and, and thinking about, thinking about that as an experiment, like, I'm just gonna try for 30 days to see what it feels like to listen to this part of myself just as a fun experiment. Very, very low risk, yes. 


Tonya Papanikolov  59:56

So I guess to kind of wrap this up a little bit. More for listeners in terms of strengthening that intuitive muscle, it's kind of I'm hearing anyways, like being direct in the experience of like asking for signs. We can do this through pulling cards, through being silent in meditation, through self exploration and getting silent and tuning into maybe what that expression looks like for you.


Gaby Azorsky  1:00:29

I really want to emphasize the last thing of what you just said, of what does this expression look and feel like for you? Because I can tell you all of the ways that it looks and feels like for me, and it'll be helpful in giving you some like crumbs of paths that you can follow and explore. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:00:46

But at the end of the day, I'm not you, and you're your own unique sacred being, plant human vessel here with your own medicine through your voice and your being and your presence and your essence to share. And so it's really just like, know thyself and follow your curiosity. If you're like, I don't know what my intuition feels like. What are you curious about?


Tonya Papanikolov  1:01:13

Start there.


Gaby Azorsky  1:01:15

That's the same advice I give to friends who are dating. Are you curious about this person? Do you want to know them, or being in a new friend. Are you curious? Okay, I feel really curious. I'm gonna keep following this and seeing where it goes.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:01:28

Oh, I love that. I actually also wanted to say, I love the Yeah, like, that feeling of, like, feeling like Alice in Wonderland, yeah, I'm like, in a constant state of that. And I love that idea, like, just that image that that brings up. Okay, I have a few more questions I want to go through with you before we wrap up. I would just love to, obviously, we love to talk about mushrooms. I know you're a Reishi girl. I would love to hear about mushrooms and how they have impacted your journey in whatever respect, spiritually, emotionally, physically,


Gaby Azorsky  1:02:01

I love Reishi so much. And for me, being a healing arts practitioner, being a medicine woman, being a human on Earth, having a regulated nervous system and feeling confident in my immune system are like two baseline necessities for me that, you know, is a slow evolution. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:02:29

And working with herbs and mushrooms, they do so much of the work for you. And so that is, I think, where I have found Reishi in particular to be really nourishing for me. I think, for like, a few months in the winter last year, I was drinking Reishi and a burdock every single day as this just like deep hug, holding me through the winter, letting me feel like restored, held and knowing that I was supporting myself on a lot of nutrient density levels as well, and it's amazing, the more you work with them, the more you really feel like your tongue salivating for the mushroom.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:03:18

I think it was you that a day. Was it you that was like, craving yes and I feel it again. I was like, I've


Gaby Azorsky  1:03:25

never heard that. I feel it again. About it like I'm getting revved up. I


Tonya Papanikolov  1:03:28

know, revved up for Rishi. I love that so much. Yeah, another quick little piece I'd like to drop in on that you've mentioned a couple times is just nature as the ultimate teacher. And you know, when I think about God, Goddess, nature, Cosmos, Gaia, all earth like that's all one in the same. And I'd love to just hear about how you find guidance and how nature has strengthened your intuitive abilities, how the natural world speaks to you. You mentioned the butterfly. Oh,


Gaby Azorsky  1:04:09

it's just so juicy. I just love her mother, Earth so much. And you know, working with the Earth as like humans is like the oldest thing that we know how to do and how to be. And for me, it's been incredibly healing to be taught by the Earth and her seasons, by summer, fall, winter and spring, by the cycles of death and rebirth, and that every part of that cycle is necessary, and that has been incredibly healing and brought me a lot of comfort and creativity and expression. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:04:52

One story that I'll share with you is I used to hike at Griffith Park every day for quite some time, and there was this. Tree there who I felt connected to, but it felt really intimidating for me. I would walk by the tree and feel her like, come sit by me. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:05:08

And I was like, No, I am not ready for this. No, no, no, no, no. And then finally, one day, I go sit with this tree, and immediately I'm just like, breathing with the tree, like I'm having a psychedelic experience, taking a few deep breaths with this, having my hand on the tree. I take my hand off the tree, and I open my eyes, and I'm like, Oh my God. People walking by are just like, What is this lady doing? 


Gaby Azorsky  1:05:37

I was just so in my head and so in awe, in like, an amazing way, and in a freaked out way of like, how quickly I was just able to go with a few deep breaths of connecting to this other living being that is this ancient tree, and it was real for me. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:05:53

And that is, that is my experience that I had. And it has been incredibly healing to be in herbalism school, the school of the sacred wild, is the program that I'm in at the moment, to be surrounded by other people who you can say, yeah, the tree said this. And everyone says, yes, the tree did say this. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:06:14

And actually, I heard the tree say this. And then you're like, Oh, I am seen. I am not crazy, and when you are exploring your intuition and your gifts, be tender with yourself and with who you're spending your time with, because it is vulnerable as you are unlocking all of these doors within yourself that maybe have been closed and that that's totally normal.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:06:40

I love that story so much. Thank you for sharing it. I see you. We are cut from the same cloth. Yeah, that's so rich and beautiful. I would love to end on a couple quick notes. First being, would you do us the honor of sharing a prayer, a wish, something to leave our audience with today.


Gaby Azorsky  1:07:06

Do we have time to pull one more card? Okay, yes, I was thinking it would be nice to pull a card for anyone who's listening to the rainbo podcast today. Oh,


Tonya Papanikolov  1:07:13

I always love that. Okay,


Gaby Azorsky  1:07:17

it's a tree.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:07:20

Stop it. Oh, my goodness,


Gaby Azorsky  1:07:24

whoa. What you can't wake this up. I read cards every day for people, and every single day I am still surprised, and also not surprised at all. It's like, of course, right? Yeah, of course, yeah, of course, of course. This card is represented as the Emperor, which is a pretty traditional nomenclature for this card. But how I would describe it is tuning into the energy of a redwood tree, being in your roots, building this beautiful foundation for yourself, letting the earth hold you, letting your skeletal structure hold you, letting your organs and muscles, like, relax within the structure of who you are. 


Gaby Azorsky  1:08:07

The sun is very connected to this card solar energy, which is where we are in the summer of creativity. But also, like, give yourself some shade so that you don't get too fried, which can happen this time of year too. And this is just like, just such beautiful energy of like being held within yourself and within the root systems of your community, even weaving in the mushrooms, like the mycelial network beneath the forest floor is like this vast community network that we can tap into for support, for strength, for love.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:08:49

Thank you. That is a perfect card. Yeah, I'm getting like, ecosystem, immune system, upholding those systems for self and others,


Gaby Azorsky  1:09:02

yeah, even if you think of like sequoia trees, some of them are so tall that and really high up altitudes, like blueberry bushes grow up on those branches, and then, like, birds live up there. Wow. And there's whole other ecosystems.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:09:16

Oh, that's so cool that. Wow. Okay, so where can we find you?


Gaby Azorsky  1:09:24

Gabby azoreski.com is my website. My Instagram is Gabby dot Azorsky, G, A, B, Y, A, Z, O, R, S, K, Y and I offer what I call intuitive healing sessions, which is space for whatever wants to be presented that day, to be held and acknowledged and noticed and honored, usually including Reiki, tarot. I've been doing a lot of heart led guidance with journal prompts channeled for individuals lately that's been really beautiful medicine, and I have a podcast. Called spiral deeper, where we have these conversations all the time.


Tonya Papanikolov  1:10:05

Yes, you're such a wealth and you have so many beautiful offerings on your website. So I highly recommend people not taking advantage. That's not the right word, but just like finding you and yeah, you know, you're such a resource for so much inspiration and healing, and I love seeing spirit flow through you and all of your gifts and offerings. So thank you.


Gaby Azorsky  1:10:30

Thank you. I will share also, I am starting a course, an eight week group course that will start at the beginning of October, so enrollment will open for that within the next couple of weeks, and it is a lot of deepening into what we talked about today, meditation, Reiki. We didn't touch on herbs too much, but herbs communicating with your spiritual team. So it's really building this beautiful foundation for your spiritual and physical plane toolkit. I'm


Tonya Papanikolov  1:11:01

very excited about it beautiful. Oh my gosh, as you should be that sound. I can't wait to, can't wait to be this creation. Okay. Well, I hope you have a beautiful day. Thank you again. So so much for being here and being you. Thank you. Thank


Gaby Azorsky  1:11:16

you for being you and for having me


Tonya Papanikolov  1:11:20

with deep gratitude. Thanks for tuning into this episode. If you liked it, hit subscribe and leave us a review that is always very appreciated. Mushrooms transformed my mind and body. And if you interested in bringing medicinal mushrooms into your life and health journey, check out rainbo.com for our meticulously sourced Canadian fruiting body mushroom tinctures until next time peace in and peace out. Friends, you.



psychic abilities, channeling, intuition, Gaby Azorsky, Mother Earth, folk herbalism, Ojai, California, High Priestess, tarot, trust your intuition, sacred ritual, numerology, meditation, Reiki